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Flac albums wrong year display

Go to solution Solved by 6b6561,

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Das Veröffentlichungsdatum von .flac-Alben wird falsch angezeigt. 

Ich bitte Sie höflich, diesen Fehler zu beheben.

So wird es im Windows Explorer angezeigt, siehe Screenshot 1. 

Screenshot 2 zeigt den Fehler in Poweramp. Bei .mp3-Alben wird das Veröffentlichungsdatum korrekt angezeigt. 


By the way, how do I change a whole album, for example change the year, and edit other tags.


Eigenschaften von Sofi Tukker - Benadryl (Kled Mone Remix).flac-stgru 14-06-2024 08_21_44.jpg


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Complete name                            : Sofi Tukker - Benadryl (Kled Mone Remix).flac
Format                                   : FLAC
Format/Info                              : Free Lossless Audio Codec
File size                                : 47.6 MiB
Duration                                 : 7 min 26 s
Overall bit rate mode                    : Variable
Overall bit rate                         : 896 kb/s
Album replay gain                        : -8.12 dB
Album replay gain peak                   : 1.000000
Album                                    : Benadryl (The Remixes)
Album/Performer                          : Sofi Tukker
Part                                     : 1
Part/Total                               : 1
Track name                               : Benadryl (Kled Mone Remix)
Track name/Position                      : 4
Track name/Total                         : 04
Performer                                : Sofi Tukker
Producer                                 : Ultra Music
Genre                                    : Dance, Electronic, Pop, Indie, American, New York City
Recorded date                            : 31.12.2018
Writing application                      : Lavf58.45.100
Cover                                    : Yes
Cover type                               : Cover (front)
Cover MIME                               : image/jpeg
Lyrics                                   : I lost my sanity with my socks / One at a time, I barely noticed / 'Til one day I found they all were gone / I couldn't find them and I couldn't focus /  / We gotta put this to bed / ('Cause I got some things to do / I got some things to do) / We gotta put this to bed / ('Cause I got some things to do / I got some things to do) / Oh, how you make me laugh / Benadryl in the bath /  / Oh, how you make me laugh / Benadryl in the bath / We gotta put this to bed / 'Cause I got some things to do / I can't keep losing the socks / Taking up too many thoughts / We gotta put this to bed / 'Cause I got some things to do /  / Apaixonada, apaixonada, segue seca em minha alma / Minha alma, minha calma, só você não está com / 'Cê não está, condena minha calma, só você não está com, lembra / 'Cê que é minha arma, minha, 'cê que é minha arma /  / Strands of colored hair in the sink / Jewels and glitter, sushi and candy / Bits of purple dust and bits of pink / Your hand tattoo inked in my memory /  / We gotta put this to bed / ('Cause I got some things to do / I got some things to do) / We gotta put this to bed / ('Cause I got some things to do / I got some things to do) / Oh, how you make me laugh / Benadryl in the bath /  / Oh, how you make me laugh / Benadryl in the bath / We gotta put this to bed / 'Cause I got some things to do / I can't keep losing the socks / Taking up too many thoughts / We gotta put this to bed / 'Cause I got some things to do /  / Apaixonada, apaixonada, segue seca em minha alma / Minha alma, minha calma, só você não está com / 'Cê não está com nada, apaixonada, seca e seca em minha alma / Minha alma, minha calma, só você não está com nada /  / Oh, how you make me laugh / Benadryl in the bath / We gotta put this to bed / 'Cause I got some things to do / I can't keep losing the socks / Taking up too many thoughts / We gotta put this to bed / 'Cause I got some things to do / LyricsCom
CONTENTGROUP                             : Remix EP

Format                                   : FLAC
Format/Info                              : Free Lossless Audio Codec
Duration                                 : 7 min 26 s
Bit rate mode                            : Variable
Bit rate                                 : 885 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Channel layout                           : L R
Sampling rate                            : 44.1 kHz
Bit depth                                : 16 bits
Compression mode                         : Lossless
Replay gain                              : -6.66 dB
Replay gain peak                         : 1.000000
Stream size                              : 47.0 MiB (99%) / 47.0 MiB (99%)
Writing library                          : Lavf58.45.100
MD5 of the unencoded content             : 2379B4F7D5A63980B1AA1E5654E26215


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MediaInfo displays the metadata in the file, my guess is that your files are not following the standard and therefore asked for the MediaInfo output so that we can better advice you.

Do you know what software has been used to tag your files?

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Posted (edited)

Ich lade Songs von Deezer mit Audials herunter und bearbeite diese Dateien mit MusicBee. 


Benadryl (Tokimonsta Remix)-stgru 14-06-2024 09_05_24.jpg

Benadryl (Tokimonsta Remix)-stgru 14-06-2024 09_06_15.jpg

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Recorded date is stored as 31.12.2018 in your file and FLAC should have the date in the ISO 8601 standard format: YYYY-MM-DD, shortened to just YYYY-MM or simply YYYY.

Some players has some logic implemented and try to guess what format has been used in the tags and tries to display it in best possible way.


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The best is probably to update the tags according to the standard. Do you have many albums with the same issue?

mp3tag at least allows you to update all tracks of an album in one go, select all the tracks of the album, update the tag and hit save.

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2 minutes ago, 6b6561 said:

Das Aufnahmedatum ist in Ihrer Datei als 31.12.2018 gespeichert und FLAC sollte das Datum im ISO 8601-Standardformat haben: JJJJ-MM-TT , verkürzt auf JJJJ-MM oder einfach JJJJ.

Bei manchen Playern ist eine Logik implementiert, die versucht, zu erraten, welches Format in den Tags verwendet wurde, und es dann bestmöglich anzuzeigen.


How can I change this in Poweramp, correct the date for an entire album?

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Poweramp can only change one track at the time. There are a number of tagging applications in the Play Store but I have no experience with those as I do all my tagging in Linux and in some rare cases mp3tag on Windows.

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@6b6561 Is correct, "31.12.2018" is not a valid 'Year' format. Technically it should just contain "2018", but extending it to "2018-12-31" should work too. Poweramp does not use any month/day information at the moment, so the extra content after the first four Year digits will be ignored, but you can leave it there if you wish as there is a Feature Request to parse and use extra mm-dd information at some point in the future.

While PA can edit one song at a time, you'd be best to use a batch tag editor if there are a lot of files - e.g. MP3Tag or TagScanner on a PC. If there are a huge number of files you could even write a script in either of those programs to fix them all in one go, but if it's just a single album simply create the new tag for one file and then batch save it to the rest.


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Posted (edited)

Falsch, dies ist ein in Deutschland gültiges Datenformat.

MusicBee enthält einen solchen Tag-Editor. 

Dieses Datumsformat funktioniert mit MusicBee.

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Same here in Finland, the date format here is dd.mm.yyyy, but that's not the standard for FLAC meta data fields which states that ISO 8601 should be used. Please note that this defines how the date should be stored in the file, display format is another thing.

The purpose of ISO 8601 is to ensure that dates are stored in the same way regardless of the preference of the region were the data is created. Your case is a good example where the DD portion was taken as a two digit year and converted into 1931.


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Good to know. You explained that very well, but then I live with that mistake, because I only use Poweramp on the road and MusicBee is what I use most at home on my PC.

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You could try to store the date as YYYY-MM-DD, if MusicBee is doing things rights, then it should display according to your regional settings on your computer and you should see it as dd.mm.yyyy.

I did a bit of googling on MusicBee and there are a number of posts on how MusicBee handles dates and it looks like there is a bit of annoyance over how it's handled by MusicBee. It might be that you need to use virtual tags to get things to show correctly.

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The reason for using an international standard for the time/date stamp format is exactly as you describe, it makes the result unambiguous. I'm from the UK so I use dd/mm/yy (or dd/mm/yyyy) too, but an American would read that as mm/dd/yy. And should you use "/", or "." or "-" as separators? And it become a nightmare for sorting purposes. Hence the need for a universal standard like ISO 8601 that can't be misinterpreted.

Anyway, technically for Poweramp this is a YEAR tag that we're discussing, not a date tag. Although in Vorbis (FLAC) it's all contained within one DATE tag which  has the most significant term first, so yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss (and that's without dragging timezones into it, which are also part of the ISO spec). MP3 (ID3v2.3) files have separate Year (TYER) and date (TDAT) tags.

So the TL;DR is that you can put whatever text you feel like into the Year tag (you could put your astrological star sign in there if like) but don't expect it to work properly in all cases if you don't follow the spec.


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3 minutes ago, greanster said:

Very kind of you, but I just don't like this (YYYY-MM-DD) date format.

That's a shame. But it is what it is. Remove the month and date parts to leave just the Year if it makes you happier.

I'm going to move this to the general Q&A topic as it's not a bug, Poweramp is performing exactly as it should do.


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@andrewilley I agree with that.
 Otherwise I am extremely satisfied with Poweramp. I also use it for Soma FM streams (https://somafm.com/listen/ ) and Flux.fm streams (https://www.fluxfm.de/flux-musik-streams ). Both streams are also scrobbled well to Last.fm.

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1 hour ago, greanster said:

Very kind of you, but I just don't like this (YYYY-MM-DD) date format.

The spec was designed to be uniform for consistent expected behaviour, not to cater to an individual preference.

In this case the year tag spec is actually expected to be just four digits. Until the year 10000.

There are other date fields available for the standard that you can use to include date and month.

You can use it any way you want in your own library. But expect the unexpected if you don't follow the spec.

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@greanster As we've said before, Poweramp does not support dates it only supports Years.

And in order to maintain compatibility with anything else, I presume MediaMonkey saves the date in the correct spec format, "2011-05-27", within the file, and only converts it to a localised layout for display.

[Edit] I just did a test, setting a song's 'Date' properties to 6th October 1980 in MediaMonkey:


And the saved embedded tag in the file looks like:

[Vorbis]        Date                            : 1980-10-06

Thus the file will be properly read by any music player, whether it only supports Years or also accepts the additional day and month, and also whether it's used in the EU, the UK, America, China, or anywhere else.


And if I force a FLAC file to contain non-spec data by manually editing it - e.g. a date of "2.3.70" - even MediaMonkey's interpretation was 2000. Some apps simply import it as a verbatim text string and don't do anything, VLC interpreted is as the year 2370. So in short, just follow the spec and then everything should be fine. 


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