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Poweramp DVC not working with Hi-res magisk module

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I have Poco X5 Pro (redwood) with Evolution X Android 14 custom ROM installed with latest January security patch. Root access is provided via KernelSU. 

The device is Hi-res certified and Stock MIUI ROM has Hi-Res enabled by default.

However, EvoX ROM does not enable Hi-res by default. Poweramp can still use the Hi-res output though. Since Hi-res can only be used via Poweramp, I am compelled to install Hi-Res Audio Magisk Module

It by default enables Float32-bit for all media streams (I checked the dumsys and logcat).

After installing this a weird problem occurs with DVC. If DVC is enabled sound is super low, I need to disable it to get the proper volume. I checked this with AUX output, haven't tried Blutooth yet.

I suppose Poweramp (v981-play) is conflicting with the module. And I am not really asking you to fix it unless it is easily possible. For the meantime, I am keeping DVC disabled for every output. 

Edited by John Titor
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As you say, probably not something that can really be addressed by Poweramp, there are too many non-stock things going on in your system. Did you try using the basic ROM with something like AAudio Output in PA by the way? Sometimes that will give you some hi-res options without needing to use the Experimental Hi-Res feature.


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Hi Andrew, good to see you again, after a long time. (I am posting to this forum after like 2 years!)

As to your question, I have tried other outputs (OpenSL ES, AAudio) but in those cases too DVC need to be disabled, else the volume becomes too low. Even If I enable 32/24/Float32 formats. 

Edited by John Titor
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