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Poweramp player with moto edge plus 2023

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Phone is a Motorola edge plus 2023


I have a glitch where power amp player shows up on the peek screen, not the lock screen, but the peek screen, the one before the lock screen.

It doesn't always show, but when it does i enter the one, power off again and check the peek screen and it's gone.

I've turned off show on lock screen and the rest is the lock screen stuff under lock screen settings in Poweramp.

So I'm a bit confused, is this a bug, or is there a way to fix this?

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'Show on Lock Screen' is designed to show the main PA interface instead of the normal Android lock screen. Lockscreen and/or Always On Display widget items are controlled by Android's media notification system not the music app itself. You may be able to stop this happening by disabling the Notification features in PA Settings=>Look and Feel=>Notifications, but modern versions of Android tend to want to display something when media is playing, so you'd need to make any adjustments via the Android settings screens or even a third-party app designed to configure these options.


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