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Can't install Poweramp trial from play store


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My dad gave me his old Pixel 2xl (my first smartphone!) and the first thing I wanted to do was install Poweramp but every time I try to install the trial from the play store I get "app not installed".  I've been searching the internet for several days and cannot find out why this is happening.  As far as I know this phone isn't rooted and has never had Poweramp installed as my dad doesn't use it for music.  I can't find a listing under the apps settings for Poweramp to do an uninstall and none of the listed folders to remove that users on this forum suggest ( /Android/data/_com.maxmpz.audioplayer/) are on my system.  All my friends swear by your app and I thought if I liked it I'd ask for it for Christmas but I there are so many settings that I thought it might be a little too complicated for me so I wanted to try it out first.  I hope you can help me.  Thanks for your help.

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Thanks for your reply.  That was quick!  There is no other info in error message.  checked the link and understand the instruction but doubt I could figure out if or what modded (not quite sure what that is) app may have been left behind.  Thanks for your help just the same.  I'll keep trying.  Maybe my friends can help me find a solution.  Cheers. 

PS - like the stopthewar tag

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