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Connected animations/Smooth transition

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No quite sure what you are asking. Is it actually a transition animation question? Or are you asking if, once selected, the Lyrics display could be retained even after you visit the Library and then return to the Player Screen? Currently you will be returned to the main Player view and would need to re-select Lyrics - which I agree is probably a bit counter-intuitive.


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Yes, that, so my point was that when you swipe down and then back up, or vice versa, to be able to transition between the lyrics/song list, without having to re-swipe. I know it's nit-picking, but would be more intuitive and nice

Edited by Phantom52347
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Possibly the same type of extended-swipe gesture when you are at the top of a Lyrics page (which returns you to the Player Screen) could be employed in the song list view too, returning you to the player/lyrics screen? It would be very easy to mis-swipe once you start employing vertical swipes and extended vertical swipes though.

Personally, I'm more of a fan of tapping on discrete individual control buttons rather than waving my finger in odd directions to get between screens. I really only use swipe gestures to scroll up and down lists, or to move the playback cursor left/right. For example, my ancient brain finds left/right swipe gestures within Library Categories a bit counter-intuitive, as perversely both directions do the exactly same thing (i.e. go back up one level). So I just use the Back button, I know where I am with that. :)

However I do agree that if the user has chosen to view Lyrics for the current song, then whatever mechanism is used to return from the Library view (Back button, left/right swipes, or tapping on the mini-player) the display should return to the Lyrics view rather than the main Player Screen.


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