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What is the purpose of scrobbling?


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Scrobbling is simply a way to automatically save the basic details (Title, Artist, etc) of the song that you are currently playing to an online service. Then you can look back on your listening history later. I think you can share that history data with friends if you wish too.


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When you listen to a song, Last.fm scrobbles the song by recording the song's title, its artist, its genre, and when you listened to it. All this information gets saved to your account, and Last.fm uses it to both generate lists of your favorite songs (both recently and of all-time) and recommend you new ones.

I don't think anything good would come out of it with my listening habits... might work if you only listen to favorite tacks, but I tend to pick a random album out of close to a thousand albums and listen to that.

What could be fun would be the listen counts etc.

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I listen to a lot of podcasts and some audio dramas, which I delete from the phone after listening, so it would be a really pointless exercise logging those titles.

The only possible use I can think of would be to find something (for example) from last night's random music mix that I can't now remember the title of.


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