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Poweramp Android OTA Usbstick Reload


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Ich verwende Poweramp mit einem Samsung S22 Ultra und einem 256 GB USB-Stick. Leider muss ich jedes Mal, wenn ich Poweramp starte und den Stick einstecke, in das Einstellungsmenü des Musikordners der Bibliothek gehen. Ich muss das USB-Stick-Verzeichnis auswählen und dann auf Neu laden klicken. Gibt es ein automatisches System, damit Poweramp es automatisch macht? Im Android-System ist der Stick immer sofort lesbar. br Mecky

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Is Android giving the USB drive a new name each time you plug it in? Otherwise, as long as you've allowed enough time for it to be mounted it should work fine. Might be worth turning PA's Auto Scan off (in Settings=>Library=>Scanner) in case it's rescanning while the drive is not ready?


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Hi Andrewilley,
no, the name is always the same. Even if you wait for a long time, Poweramp can't release the stick. It's always immediately visible in the Android file manager and you can access it.

But I'll play around a bit in the scanner settings, I haven't done that yet :).

Maybe you can help me with my other problems too!

Can I get Poweramp to start a track using Android Auto peer voice command. With MediaMonkey it worked when it is open in Android Auto mike

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