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In the tags section, you can put the main artist and secondary artists

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Solicitud de agregar artistas secundarios (colaboraciones) para poder gestionar mejor los albums y que las mismas canciones no solo aparezcan en el artitas principal sino con sus colaboradores algo así como en la 4ta foto que edite , algo como lo hace Spotify y Deezer (imagen 1-2-3)



Request to add secondary artists (collaborations) to be able to better manage the albums and that the same songs not only appear in the main artist but with their collaborators, something like in the 4th photo that I edited, something like Spotify and Deezer do (image 1 -2-3)







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Can already be done with the Split Artists feature, where individual artist names who appear on one track can be split within the Artist tag using a separator symbol (or symbols) of your choice. Semicolon is an obvious one, but you could also split based on "/", "ft.", "feat." etc. Make sure the ALBUM ARTIST tag remains the same across a whole album though, to avoid such collaboration tracks messing up the album structure.

For more info, see:


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Thanks for answering, indeed the issue of collaborations within Poweramp was fixed, however now I have another request, is it possible to modify the metadata that is sent to the Poweramp notification???? For Poweramp's internal labels to have several artists, but in the information that goes to the notification, only have the main artist????

Img 1 (notification with a single artist)

Img 2 (how information is displayed with two artists)

Img 3 (Internal labels)


Gracias por responder, en efecto el tema de las colaboraciones dentro de Poweramp se arreglo, sin embargo ahora tengo otra solicitud, es posible modificar los metadatos que se envían a la notificación de Poweramp???? Para en las etiquetas internas de Poweramp tenga varios artistas ,pero en la información que va a la notificación tenga solo el artista principal????

Img 1 (notificación con un solo artista)

Img 2 (cómo se muestra la información con dos artistas)

Img 3 (Etiquetas internas)




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