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Song starts 1min to 3 min in

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I've got crossfade set for 8 seconds and it's worked perfectly for years. 

For the last month or so (not as a result of my latest Fold 4 phone purchase because it worked perfectly for several weeks) about a quarter of my song transitions start anywhere from 1 minutes to 3 minutes into the next song.  My crossfade has always been and is still set to 8 seconds. 

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Sounds like you have inadvertently turned on the 'Store/Restore Per-Track Progress' feature, so PA is resuming tracks from wherever they were last listened to.

Go to Settings=>Library and turn this option off - or at least set the threshold level so it only triggers for very long tracks, which is the main purpose of the global feature.

If you are listening specifically to Folders or Playlists there is also a separate control that can enable or disable this feature for each individual folder or playlist. Go into the specific folder or playlist that you want to play and tap (menu)=>List Options, and turn off 'Per-Track Progress'. You will need to do that separately for each individual folder/playlist where this has been enabled. 


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