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What are your best Poweramp Hints and Tips?


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I'm going to put together a simple 'Hints and Tips' article for the newly collated Poweramp Guide section, but as an experienced Poweramp user for 15 or so years I guess I'm pretty used to how things work! It'd be nice to hear from other people with any handy discoveries that they made when they first started using Poweramp, or things that new users might have missed. Ideally keep each item down to a just a sentence or two, and I'll try to add some of them as bullet points into the Guide.

This would be separate from a first-principles "Installing and Getting Started with Poweramp" guide which I'm also going to create.


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I've just added a couple of new Guide topics:
Installing and Getting Started with Poweramp
The Player Screen - aka the Player User Interface (Player UI)

Any comments on whether I've covered enough general detail for a newbie to get a good idea of how it works, or whether there's too much info, would be appreciated.

Next will probably be:
Using the Library Categories
Overview of Settings (not a detailed list, just where each general subject can be found and a few tips)
Audio Output


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