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Android Auto music pause on start

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Android auto starts plays couple of seconds a track then pauses until I toggle though the screens to hit the play button, anyone has any ideas to start and keep the music playing.

Yes i do have the resume playing on start up ticked. 

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Play and Play/Pause commands can be triggered in a number of ways. After the pause happens, take a look at PA Settings=>Headset/Bluetooth=>Last Processed Commands and see if the log throws any light on what caused playback to stop. You can cut'n'paste the results here.


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08:21:18.755 BTReceiver headset event

connection BT=true am mode=0 Audi MMI 5130


08:21:18.756 BTReceiver RESUME

resume_on_bt delay=500


08:21:19.385 PlayerService RESUME

from BTReceiver resumePlaying 


08:21:21.449 PlayerService RESUME






08:21:23.853 PSAudioFocusHelper AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN



08:21:23.885 PSAudioFocusHelper AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS

pausePlaying af_permanent


08:21:24.204 PlayerService UNDUCK



08:21:25.117 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=2248810 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=2


08:21:25.130 BTReceiver headset event

disconnection BT=true am mode=0 Audi MMI 5130 no_keep_notif_on_dscn=false


08:21:26.509 PSMediaSessionHelper.Callback onPlay



08:21:28.618 PlayerService onRoutingChanged

newDevice=speaker oldDevice=bt


08:21:28.618 PlayerService reloadPipeline

 allowPlaying=false f

orceResume=false state after reload=2

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@maxmp would be able to confirm more, but it looks to me as though your headunit is sending a MEDIA_PAUSE keycode button event via Bluetooth:

08:21:25.117 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON
KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=2248810 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=2

Usually an ACTION_DOWN (button press) event should be followed by an accompanying BUTTON_UP event though, to say the button has been released again.

There is also a Bluetooth disconnection event just afterwards, which seems strange. 


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You could also play around with how your playback auto-start is triggered (by Android Auto setting or by Poweramp setting) in case that makes a difference.

But if your device is indeed sending a PAUSE command, Poweramp is doing exactly as it should.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution

Sorted, button on steering wheel seems to determine to start or pause on starting of android auto even though everything else starts and disregards button, so solution is start android auto - play music via toggling android auto to Poweramp - pause music with steering wheel button - on restart it now plays on start.

Did it again with a second press of the pause and again it failed to play on start!

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