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Remove the close button on lockscreen notification

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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Not at present, as when it's used as a pull-down notification it's the only way to be able to close it (you can't swipe it away horizontally).

The only similar option for that notification is PA Settings=>Look and Feel=>Notifications=>'Show Previous Track Action', but that only affects the first level pull-down notification on the status bar, not the second-level version that you are seeing.


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  • Solution
20 minutes ago, foldersorter said:

 this is the notification on the lockscreen and not the one you get when swiping down on the status bar.

It's the same thing, Android is just placing the pull-down notification onto the lockscreen. Some Androids use their own design of media panel for the lockscreen, but yours seems to just be copying the status-bar notification. May be adjustable in your device's settings though, but will probably be a more simplistic display:



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  • 5 months later...

As an up[date to this thread, the buttons on the lockscreen media controller widget are now configurable, see PA Settings=>Misc=>Buttons. The middle three '<<', 'Play/Pause' and '>>' buttons are system-specified and cannot be changed. The first two Button items in the menu are for the outer two controls on the Notification or Lockscreen Widget (they are basically the same thing). The subsequent Buttons 3-6 are for Android Auto/etc, which offers more than the initial five button slots.





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