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Hide subfolders from Scan?


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Is there any way to keep Poweramp from scanning hidden folders, ie. ".folder" ? My media is synced using iSyncr and it puts all media in one folder and then in subfolder by artist. I would like to hide my audio podcast directories from the automatic scan.

I know I can just move them out but it defeats the purpose of using isyncr to sync back and forth into and out of itunes.

I can't use no system scan for folders as I only have one directory marked for scanning. I would have to mark each individual folder for scan (hundreds of them) and just skip the five or six that i need to have the system ignore.

Sorry if this is a dumb question.

I'm using the demo and I'm hoping Poweramp works for me. Love it so far!


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Maybe a .nomedia file in the desired directory in the upcoming 2.1 would work for you?

Planned features for Poweramp v2.1

- optional (enabled by default) support for standard android .nomedia files

- system library playlists support

- support for album grabbing apps via system library album art support

- google music song info

- improvements for ICS (controls in notification, ICS lock screen support)

- settings export/import (to/from sd card, including equ/tone presets)

- advanced tag editing

- rating sync'ing from/to tags

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