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What does the (Non-gapless/cue) option do?

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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LOL, yes, PA = Poweramp. Even hover your mouse over it to see it expanded.

So in your case, the setting in Auto-Advance Fading of "non-gapless/CUE" means that when PA moves automatically on to the next track (e.g. from track 1 of an album to track 2) only files which are not meant to be played seamlessly, or were built from CUE data, will be crossfaded. Gapless files (e.g. classical or concerts where one piece of music should move directly into the next track) won't have any extra fading applied between the tracks.


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Since cue sheet tracks are rare and not widely used on the internet, I made an example for myself (see Wikipedia and search for "CUE Sheet" for how to make one).

And I noticed the changes!

But this should happen only for files with CUE, not for all songs, in fact, Non-gapless is applied to all songs.



I simply created them!🙂


You can see below👇


Site link: https://cuegenerator.net/



(Don't forget to put the CUE file next to your audio file so the PA can recognize it)

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CUE files are not as uncommon as you might think, quite a few people use them to split large files (concerts, full CD rips, etc) into manageable song-sized chunks. They are perhaps more commonly found with FLACs rather than MP3s though - and the data can even be embedded directly into the large audio file, removing the need for a sidecar .CUE file. The data can be created as part of an initial ripping process, or manually as you have noted (a simple text editor is sufficient, the file format is not complex).

With the auto-crossfade mode in Poweramp set to "non gapless/CUE", crossfading should be applied to all audio files which do not have any gapless tag data, and also to CUE-generated tracks.



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