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New subforum areas


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I've had a bit of an early spring-clean of the forums. :)

I was noticing that while we've got separate Feature Request and Bugs Report areas for both the main Music Player and the stand-alone EQ app, general information and usage questions had nowhere specific to go apart from this one common Chatter area. So now we have two shiny new homes ready to welcome these sorts of question and discussions:

Poweramp Music Player: https://forum.powerampapp.com/forum/30-poweramp-usage-qa/

Poweramp Equalizer: https://forum.powerampapp.com/forum/31-equalizer-usage-qa/


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9 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

I've had a bit of an early spring-clean of the forums. :)

I was noticing that while we've got separate Feature Request and Bugs Report areas for both the main Music Player and the stand-alone EQ app, general information and usage questions had nowhere specific to go apart from this one common Chatter area.

That explains the mass of threads that appeared as "Unread" this morning! All cleaned up here already though.

Thanks for administering this forum so efficiently @andrewilley.

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6 minutes ago, MotleyG said:

That explains the mass of threads that appeared as "Unread" this morning!

Yes, sorry about that. One batch of transfers decided to flag all of the newly moved content as unread, even though they are clearly all old threads. I don't know why, all the other moves worked fine.

I'm going to move over a bunch more over, so hopefully those will not flag as unread too - but I probably won't go back through 10+ years worth of threads, life's too short!


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