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Deleted too many Files

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Hey, i just wanted to delete all songs from artist-XY and the warning-prompt asked if im sure i wanted to delete the selected 70 songs, when i pressed yes it deleted like 400 songs, even songs that have nothing to do with artist-XY.

is there ANY way i can see what Poweramp deleted? are there any log files or anything? any help is appreciated.



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There is no way to see a log of what was deleted now I'm afraid. Did you delete from a list of songs, or by album names (which will delete all the contents of those albums)?

Folders are not deleted by the way, so you could look for any folders that are now empty to get an idea of what song files were deleted.


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Guess it also selected Albums, i typed in the Name of the artist and selected "All" with the button on the bottom left.

Sadly my Music is just in different Folders so Poweramp doesnt take too long loading. Its not like Folder XY is Album XY, its all mixed Music of diff Artists/Genres.

Without Logs im kinda ruined.

Thx for the reply!

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I'm glad you've got your missing files back. When you restored them, did you find what the common factor was that caused PA to delete them all?

I'm a bit puzzled when you say that PA said it was going to delete "70" songs, as none of the Delete prompts that I've just checked mention any numbers at all, they all refer to variations of "everything in this folder & subfolders", or (perhaps slightly misleadingly) "song" or "songs" even when you've selected multiple artists for example.

Could you perhaps elaborate on how exactly it happened, in case it still needs looking into as an issue? Maybe even trying the steps again - but without accepting the final "Delete" prompt of course!


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