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Text / Font size on different phone screens

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I love Poweramp, and currently have just one question about it. I have a Samsung S22 Ultra Phone, and use the app with just one skin from Yaps - V211 (Blue light skin)


When I firstly view the app on my phone, this is a typical screenshot:


As you can see, the Title of the track, and composer's name are quite large!

However, when running, this is what I see:


In the second screenshot, the text is proportionally smaller - plus, a blank line separates the two entries.

Is there any way I can control this difference so that I can get better uniformity between them, but without compromising either one in the process.

Apparently it's the default Poweramp look and feel, and hence a parameter not determind by the Third-party skin in use?

Many thanks, in anticipation!  

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Your first screenshot is widget on a homescreen, you are not actually in the app at all, just a quick access tile which acts like a remote control for the main app.

In the Poweramp app itself, with the YAPS skin you can adjust all sorts of sizes and fonts - there are seemingly hundreds of tweaks available - but that won't change what you see in a homescreen widget.


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Hi Andre,

Thanks so much for clarifying and confirming this for me!

And also, many thanks for coming back so promptly! If only we could expect, and get the same treatment, in other areas of our lives, there would be so much less unnecessary stress to deal with on an almost daily basis.

Thanks again, Andre - and thank you, Poweramp, too!

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