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Poner carátula gif con movimiento o png sin fondo a las canciones


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Implementen en Poweramp que se pueda poner como carátula una imagen gif con movimiento y también una imagen png sin fondo, porque cuando buscas dentro de Poweramp las carátulas te arroja también imagenes png sin fondo y en ese menu si se ve sin fondo pero cuando la estableces como carátula se agrega un fondo negro 🙄

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3 hours ago, andrewilley said:

Support PNG image transparency ought to be easy enough

Album Art is traditionally square from the days of vinyl and even standard CD. Occasionally there are rectangular releases for things like box sets. I’m not sure why a png with some transparency would be needed for this function.

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1 minute ago, MotleyG said:

I’m not sure why a png with some transparency would be needed for this function.

I have no idea why either, but I guess technically it wouldn't be that hard to support. Aspect ratios can vary though, for example limited edition boxes, DVD packaging, etc, but that's already supported.


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@MotleyG cuando busco imágenes para portadas de radios dentro de Poweramp, te salen imágenes png sin fondo, por ejemplo solo el nombre de la radio y sin ningún fondo y en ese menú si se ve sin fondo pero cuando lo aplico como portada automáticamente le crea un fondo negro. Deben arreglar eso sería genial.

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@maxmp ¿a qué se refiere con alfa?🤔Yo uso la versión beta 954 de Poweramp, pero ya desde siempre noto que al aplicar la portada png automáticamente le crea un fondo negro. Sería bueno que al aplicar la imagen como portada siga siendo sin fondo

Edited by jeffry_29
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I just did some trials with a folder.png file (PNG-24 image file with transparency) and also with embedding that same PNG image into an audio file, and in both cases the alpha channel did show as transparent on the player screen. This made-up cover was a green-edged square with a large transparent box in the centre and some overlaid red text to demonstrate the transparency:


However as far as I can tell, the artwork selection/download page does not appear to store PNG files. Selected/downloaded images seem to be saved into the selected_aa cache folder as JPGs (which do not support a transparency channel).


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@jeffry_29 As I said, the select/download artwork function (including if the source file is stored in your local device's Gallery) will convert any found images to JPG in order to re-save them into Poweramp's artwork cache folder.

Take a look at what actually gets stored there after you've selected an image; the cache folder locations are described here: https://forum.powerampapp.com/kb/en_us/faq/where-does-poweramp-store-downloaded-cover-artwork-files-for-albums-artists-etc-r40/

Embedded PNGs, or scanned in-folder PNGs, are still handled as native PNGs though, and will show transparency if present.


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I created test files using the two most commonly used tag editors which most people here seem to use on their computers, TagScanner and MP3Tag. Both programs correctly inserted a PNG image into the MP3 audio file, and stored it complete with the transparency data; there's no reason why it shouldn't work though, as such programs don't manipulate image data at all, they merely insert the content directly into the audio file.

This is the (rather lurid!) PNG test image I used if you want to test with this:





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@jeffry_29 I normally recommend using a computer for tasks involving entering text, processing graphics, or batch work. 6-7 inch phone touchscreens are all well and good for casual stuff, but they do have their practical limitations when compared to decent sized monitors (a 32" and a 27" in my case), keyboard and mouse. I curate my whole music collection on my computer (well, a home NAS drive to be accurate) and then copy what I want to my phone.

You could also test a PNG with transparency by copying it into one of your music subfolders and naming it as folder.png (actually most names will do). Then when you open that folder in Poweramp, you should see the image used as the folder image and also for any songs that don't otherwise have their own assigned artwork.


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@andrewilley entonces lo que quiere decir es que la imagen png no se puede incrustar directo en la canción si no que solo se verá como imagen de la carpeta y si la canción no tiene imagen se verá dicha imagen. Se repetiría la misma imagen en las canciones entonces. No suena a como quería 🙄 o bueno también se podría crear carpetas para cada canción pero es mucho trabajo. Es así o he entendido mal

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@andrewilley @andrewilley Lo hice en mi celular descargando una canción sin carátula, luego creé una carpeta, puse dentro el audio y una imagen png. Luego fui a Poweramp y no muestra una transparencia total como es la imagen original. En Poweramp muestra el fondo como una sombra gris transparente. A usted también le muestra así o completamente transparente. Lo ideal sería que sea totalmente transparente.



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@andrewilley Poweramp still can download/save PNG with alpha, but only if these are not resized. If resized, then they are converted to jpeg. The saved filename has always .jpg extension, but format can be a PNG (or webp, gif). Manual selection always converts to jpeg. I added a TODO entry to unify this logic and allow PNG with alpha even if resized/manually selected, but there seems to be some blockers which may delay it (for example, we can't easily say if given PNG is a standard rectangle cover or non-rectangle one with alpha without analyzing image, and this is very cpu/battery intensive).

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@maxmp bueno no importa si consume batería pero lo ideal sería que se viera totalmente transparente como es la imagen png original. Sería bueno que arregle eso y también sería bueno que arregle eso de hacerlo desde el mismo Poweramp desde el mismo menú de Poweramp que descarga portadas.

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