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Show applied ReplayGain value


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I guess Poweramp is the only Android player that supports ReplayGain. If this feature is activated it would be cool to see the applied RG value in the meta info below the seek bar.

PS: RG tags in mp3 are not standardized. Which ones are supported by Poweramp? The ones made by mp3gain (in an APE tag) or the ones created by foobar2000 (in a special id3v2 tag)?

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all,

today I bought the full version of Poweramp for my andoid phone.

My desktop application is JR Media Center, which supports Album Gain, Replay Gain, Rating etc. but I have no idea how to see if that stuff is recognized in Poweramp.

JR Media Center stores the information inside the mp3 tags as:

replaygain_track_gain ^@ -10.84 dB

replaygain_track_peak ^@ 1.000000

in ogg it looks like:


Are these the values supported by Poweramp?

For me it would be sufficient if Poweramp shows these values in the track Info/Tags pop-up window.


  • 8 months later...

+1 !

I was looking for that information. At least display it on the track's "Info/Tag" screen ! It might help to know what gain the app is applying (default or the one detected in the file tags)

(there are several topics here that ask exactly the same feature)


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