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Album art Thumbnail in Library, how does it work?


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I buyed Poweramp now I could not find a better music player for android

But i have one questions

How does the Thumbnail (smale) album art work in the library?

All Album art show up correctly for each song i play so is not the big album art that is the problem

what i mean is the smale thumbnail that show up in Artist/album under library

under artist here each album is listed each which their own smale little album art.

In my case i have here an album with 30 songs tagged correctly is a personal compilation (instead of playlist)

where each of this 30 songs has a different album art and part of same album.


01 Artist blue - Song blue (album art blue)

02 Artist Red- Song red (album art red)

03 Artist yellow- song yellow (album art yellow)

04 Artist Green - Song green (album art green)

For me in Library mode under Artist my compilation album show a smale thumbnail of the Artist green that is the last song of the 30.

But i want it to show the album art thumbnail from Artist blue the first song as i used to on other phones

So my question is simple

How do i get the album art from the first song to display as album art thumbnail under Artist in library

If i browse by folders...then thumbnail is correct it show the First album art of all 30 songs

but not when i browse by library

I did tests and is not sorted by Album art size

Green album art is 57KB and blue is 299KB if it was the bigger size then Blue album art should show up.

Not random either as everytime the green album art show up , the one from the last song

and not alphabetical either.

Is not that Big problem but.... I Sort the Best songs From First to last

so i realy realy would like to have the thumbnail to be from the first song

Browsing by folders is not the best options cause with many music is harder to find the albums i looking for

so i tend to use Library instead

If i just could fix that Thumbnail issue


Can Poweramp team make an option so you can pick by a button click what Thumbnail album art to show in library

The smale album art showing (i dont mean the big one when each song play) is the preview mode in library i mean.

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