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Songs disappear a week after Full Rescan


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Phone: Sony Xperia 5 iii
OS: Android 12
Poweramp Version: build-939-bundle-play

I got this new phone in June, and since the first time I Full Rescanned, songs have been disappearing after a week of use.  If I do a Full Rescan again, all the songs appear as normal.  But after about a week (sometimes less), songs will start disappearing again, and in their place I will see the message "Doesn't look like anything to me."  From my observation, it seems the songs that disappear are not the same each time.  The songs only disappear in Poweramp, but they are still there on my phone when I look through the folders and files.

For more background information, I have about 29,000 songs, so it's hard to give an exact number of songs that disappear, but I would say about 30-40% of the songs disappear (different every time).  I use isyncr to sync my itunes library to the SD Card on my Sony phone.  I have been doing it this way (itunes -> isyncr -> SD Card -> Poweramp) for almost 10 years with 4 phones and never had a problem.  My last phone was a Sony Xperia 5.

This has been driving me crazy because I need to do a Full Rescan every few days just to have all the music there.  Would appreciate any insight.  Thank you.

Edited by gabestar
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My first suspect here would be sync software, there have been other reports in the past of compatibility issues with apps like MusicBee causing the exact issue that you describe. To check if this is the right direction to look, could you turn the sync software off for a while and do a Full Rescan, and see if the issue still occurs.

When you encounter this issue, long-press on the song title in the categories list and choose Info/Tags. Do you see any tag info (Artist, Album, etc)? Does the exact path and filename shown as the top of the info screen exist on your device when you check with a file explorer? 


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Thanks for the reply!

For your first suggestion, by sync software do you mean isyncr?  After i sync the songs, it is turned off by default, so it is no longer syncing.  Or you mean another software?

For the second suggestion, I tried finding a song in a playlist that has "disappeared" and chose Info/Tags, and nothing happens.  The bar just disappears.

Thank you again!

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Do you have Poweramp's auto-scan feature turned on? (in Settings=>Library=>Scanner). Just to eliminate that as being the problem, please turn it off and then do a manual Full Rescan and see if the problem returns. If it is already off, try enabling it in case something else is messing with the filenames/paths on your device (long shot, because if a few files had disappeared then the entries in the library should get removed too, unless a whole storage suddenly became unavailable).

Also make sure your sync software is really not doing anything in the background - unless it is something you run manually on a PC for example, with no Android component installed.

Is there any pattern to the files the become unplayable? Do you still see artist/album/etc info inside the PA Library views, even though the song won't play? Or do you just see a filename?


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Thanks for the reply!

The auto-scan feature was turned on.  I have turned it off now and did a manual full Rescan.  Will let you know if the problem returns!

I'm pretty sure the software is not doing anything in the background, since I need to manually open the software on the pc and run the sync every time I want to sync.

As to the pattern, I haven't really noticed a clear pattern.  

Regarding the artist/album/etc info, it's a little complicated.  If the entire album is inaccessible, the album disappears from the library.  If all the songs by an artist is inaccessible, the artist disappears from the library.  If only a few of the songs from an album is inaccessible, the artist and album remains, but the inaccessible songs become filenames.  

Thanks a lot!

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