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Too stupid to custimize PowerAMP...???


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i bought Poweramp today, what a fantastic player.

But nevertheless i need some help from the professionals here...

On the "Features" site the first picture shows the player itself. The skin of my player looks different.

- the equalizer is at the top and has no buttons (only text with an icon)

- the "Play", "Pause", "Back",... buttons are at the bottom

- the ""Repeat Off" and "Shuffle" buttons are not really "buttons" (only text with an icon)

Can someone help me ?

Where can i customize the skin to the exact one on the "Features" site. I tried several option settings but nothing helps.

...My mobile: HTC Sensation XE...

Best regards from Germany


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The first screenshots on the "features" page are from the older version 1.x... There does however exist a theme based on it.

Here's a simple step-by-step guide to getting it:

1. Download "Poweramp Classic Skin" from the market. Link: https://market.andro...p.skins.classic

2. In the app (Poweramp), press the menu button, press "more" if necessary and then select "Settings".

3. From the settings section, press "Theme" and select the classic theme.

It doesn't have the exact same look and feel as from the image. Also the stuff you mentioned isn't really the same, but it's the closest you can get unless you want to use the older pre 2.x versions.

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