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I'm so over this


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I upgraded from a Samsung s7 to a Note 10, installed all my apps expecting things to play nice together as they did, but no luck. No matter the settings, power amp is the only app that responds to bluetooth once it's activated. On my s7 I could press the play button and whatever service I used last would function... I use podcast addict while working nights in a shop/mill. Now before anybody says anything crazy, with power amp uninstalled I can still switch between pandora/YouTube music/podcast addict in the same fashion as before, but the second I install power amp, the only thing that respond to Bluetooth commands is power amp, meaning I have to take my phone out and UNINSTALL power amp if I just want to have control over my podcast. 


Yes, everything related to stopping power amp from starting has been unchecked... Infact if I uncheck the respond to Bluetooth buttons NOTHING will play when I hit the button. This has become extremely frustrating. Ive gone through my old phone and all the settings are exactly the same for all the apps... Once again, all my other apps play nicely together as they have the last 5-6 years, but once I install power amp, that's it! HOW THE HELL DO I MAKE IT STOP??? I shouldnt have to restart my phone or uninstall an app just to make other apps function normally. 


05:42:28.258 PlayerService RESUME

from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying 


05:42:30.555 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=201254 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:42:30.612 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_UP name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=201311 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:42:30.628 PlayerService PAUSE

from PSMediaButtonReceiver pausePlaying 


05:43:09.188 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=239888 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=2


05:43:09.199 PlayerService RESUME

from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying 


05:43:09.671 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_UP name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=240370 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:43:09.754 PlayerService RESUME

from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying 


05:43:12.068 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=242767 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:43:12.100 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_UP name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=242799 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:43:12.106 PlayerService PAUSE

from PSMediaButtonReceiver pausePlaying 


05:43:46.427 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=277126 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=2


05:43:46.442 PlayerService RESUME

from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying 


05:43:46.897 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_UP name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=277597 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:43:46.990 PlayerService RESUME

from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying 


05:43:48.610 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=279309 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:43:48.641 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_UP name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=279340 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:43:48.648 PlayerService PAUSE

from PSMediaButtonReceiver pausePlaying 


05:43:50.236 PSAudioFocusHelper AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS

IGNORE !playing


05:43:57.921 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=288620 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=2


05:43:57.947 PlayerService RESUME

from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying 


05:43:57.971 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_UP name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=288670 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:43:57.981 PlayerService RESUME

from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying 


05:44:02.447 PSAudioFocusHelper AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS

IGNORE !inPhone && !af_permanent


05:44:07.077 PlayerService TOGGLE_PLAY_PAUSE

from NotificationHelperViaBuilder pausePlaying 


05:44:53.692 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=344391 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=2


05:44:53.711 PlayerService RESUME

from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying 


05:44:53.773 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY ACTION_UP name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=344472 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:44:53.791 PlayerService RESUME

from PSMediaButtonReceiver resumePlaying 


05:44:55.239 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_DOWN name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=345939 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:44:55.278 PSMediaButtonReceiver android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON

KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE ACTION_UP name=Virtual source=0x0 sources=0x301 virt=true repeat=0 actionTime=345978 sourcePak=com.android.bluetooth isAvrcp flags=0x0 playerState=1


05:44:55.286 PlayerService PAUSE

from PSMediaButtonReceiver pausePlaying 


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