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Have to reload Playlists after connecting to computer


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Have a Droid X2 and use isyncr to create playlists on my droid. The playlists show up on Poweramp, but if I connect to the computer to download something, or turn Droid off, when I go to playlists, it lists the playlists but says "not downloaded yet". If I press on the playlist the songs are loaded. How can I have them permanently loaded so I don't have to go through each playlist and reload it? I have music stored on my Internal phone storage. Please help. Thanks


p.s. I am using the trial version right now, and love the sound, but want to be able to have things all right, before I purchase.

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I've run into the same issue on my Droid3, and not just with Poweramp. Seems to happen with multiple music applications. I also get duplicated playlists, but most of them appear empty after connecting to a computer. Also, same thing seems to happen when I delete a song that was in a playlist. I haven't found a reliable way to prevent this from happening and would appreciate any input as well...

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Yes, I just turned the phone off, and restarted it, and when I opened Poweramp, and went to playlists, the playlists were there, but I had to click on each playlist for the songs to appear and reload. Don't wanna have to do this everytime? Even the generic android music player does not need to be reloaded. once I sync playlists from itunes via isyncr to the phone, they stay there.

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