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How to set album art for folders?

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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Hi, I'm in the file system folder structure. How can I set album art for a folder? It usually applies changes to all files if I change album art source for one of them. But not the folder art itself. And selecting folder, set album art is not possible. Screenshots related. 




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If you place an image file called folder.jpg in the folder, that should be used if there's nothing else to override it (embedded images, etc). If not found, other image files can be used.

The Album Art icon is hidden as you are browser Folders, not Albums.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/30/2022 at 4:39 PM, andrewilley said:

You can, just put an image file inside the folder.

I want to ask another question. I usually have 400x400 art embedded into files - as fallback. In folder I have a highres cover.jpg - but not consistently.

Any chance I can tell PA to prefer the file over embedded art? The problem with embedded art is, you typically do not want to bloat the (smaller) lossy files. 

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