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Log track, time, location to local file

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As part of keeping a music diary, I keep a log of music I listen to. Would be great to be have Poweramp keep a record of which tracks I listened to WITHOUT having to connect to a third-party like a scrobbler site. I just want a log of the track name, the time it played, and GPS coordinates of where I was when it played (perhaps even the rating that I gave it). I'd like to be able to review it in the app on my phone and via android auto and export this log (email for example, or by copying the file via USB), as well.


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Wow, that is a lot of requests.

Alright, Poweramp have a list of songs it has played, just go to Library, click on recently played.

For the time the song was played, just long press on any song, select info/tag, you will see last played (this can be done from any list).

Knowing where (location) a song was played, @Roey Katz sorry about that, for now I don't think Poweramp does that, because it (Poweramp) will need permission to track your location, and for a music player, I don't think it's necessary. 

Rating, I don't rate my songs, the best I can do is create a Playlist, but I believe you have your rating enabled. 

Sorry again, you can only sort (view) rating for now from library category, top rated/low rated, (Just add it to Library list category) to add this, click on the 3 dot on the top right of list/ list option/ top rated, or view it from Poweramp play screen. 


Edited by Bencherished
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Some of the above could be part of the 'Statistics' category that is already down as a Feature Request. There could easily be a scrollable list of the most recently played items. I would suggest that if that feature is included, all songs that have at least been commenced should be listed - but anything that did not meet the 'played' duration threshold should be displayed in grey to indicate that it was skipped rather than listened to.

GPS would need extra permissions though, so not likely.

But fully diarising all of your listening activity is more of a feature for an external scrobbling app, not a music player. 


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