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would be great app - but it always stopps

Go to solution Solved by thomasTS,

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I use Poweramp for a while and the only issue is that it stops at the beginning after all 10 sec or so. After one entire song there is no problem any more but might be that it stops 5 or even more times at the beginning.
Also if
- the app is open on the screen
- accu well charged
- headset connected by wire
- Bluetooth disabled
What can I do ?  I have the full version.  

Make sure Poweramp's Settings > Library > Music Folders list only contains you chosen folder where you keep your music. Once your music collection has been fully scanned, you can turn PA's auto-scanner feature off in Settings=>Library=>Scanner to see if that helps.

You can prevent Android from scanning that same folder by creating an empty file inside that location called .nomedia  


It stops "normal" without big issues. Screen is the same. It´s like I touch the pause button. If I touch START it continuous normal.

What I observed:
When I switch off the phone and start again with pin number ...
... and then start PA, so there are no problems.

But when I open radio and than close radio and open PA the music stops all 12-15 sec for 5-7 times. 
Later it works.

I tried what Andre recommended but I´m not 100% sure whether I did it all correct. 
" ... only contains you chosen folder where you keep your music"
Can it be only one folder?
At the moment I have only about 80 songs on the phone.
Structure is now:

- - música PC
     HUAWEI P30

  - Amaral

- - .nomedia


If there is that little on your device it's unlikely to be the scanner, and anyway that would only be an issue if you launch PA just after rebooting your device, which does not seem to be the case here. You can have multiple folders selected for music, but it's easier to manage if you contain all of your music files within one main folder and keep any other music subfolders within it.

If it's actually pausing and resuming, check PA Settings=>Headset/Bluetooth=>Last Processed Commands just in case anything is generating unexpected pause/resume commands.


@thomasTS has the issue been resolved? If not, try playing without the wired connection, I am suspecting the radio app is conflicting with Poweramp, if that is the case, you have to change the wired headphone, it is sending the command to the radio app, thats why Poweramp is stop I guess. 


" ... check PA Settings=>Headset/Bluetooth=>Last Processed Commands ..."

Okay, I changed from radio to PA and had eight stops within 2 minutes and  in "Last Processed Commands" I find eight times this text:

19:25:13.609 PSAudioFocusHelper
pausePlaying af_permanent

does this help?

(I have until now not so much music on the phone for the problems with starting and because I use the music most for longboarding and there I prefer some kinda rhythmic titles)

In the photo a second intent even worse and it shows that it not matters if headset is connected or not.  


Edited by thomasTS

Not so much solved as worked around I'm afraid. Now that PA has been told to ignore the spurious focus changes that seem to be generated on your device, it will also ignore genuine ones such as phone calls so you will need to manually stop for them.


(I´m German living in Spain, so first language is German, than Spanish, last English, so sometimes might be that I have to ask a second time whether I understood all well)

Okay, I note that it depends on Permanent Audio Focus Change. Now I have Short on and Permanent off and it works well. 

The actual configuration I understand as
- that phone calls (the most important) work, meaning I can hear that there is a call while using PA
- when I change from radio to PA I have to stop radio manually, not great but possible
Is this correct?

I have not so much Apps but I deleted around 10, that had no influence. 

Motley & Andrew: I understand that we had not cured the problem but only the symptom. Is there anything that I can do/control to find what is causing the interrupts so frequently all 12-15 sec. ?


@thomasTS from the log above, af_permanent means the permanent focus request from Android. This is requested by other apps, usually media players which must use audio output for a prolonged time.

It’s generally a good idea to pause for that as otherwise you’ll get two players playing in parallel.

OKAY, now it looks like that we have found the/one reason for the stops. I turned off the phone two times, started radio and then PA and no problem, although Audiofocus is "on" in short and permanent. 

From our conversation I haven´t got the impression, that this is an issue that have a lot of people, so I asked myself two questions
- what are you using and might be few people do?
- what are you using regularly?
Answer: the App from the best Spanish radio "Cadena 100"
So I deleted the app and made the same procedure: phone off, phone on, other radio channel, PA, no problem. I did it twice: no problem.
"Cadena 100" has it´s own app, but you can hear it also via other radio apps, that offer more channels at the same time. So I uploaded "Radio España" that offer also "Cadena 100". 
I tested it now three times: no stops anymore.

Is there any logic behind this? Is it possible/known that some sites can cause this problems?

But we have to wait 2 days, there have been yet some surprises ... 


Edited by thomasTS

The question, and may be problem that remains is, whether the reception of the alternatives are sufficient stable. First impression looks not so great. 

"Could be your Cadena 100 does this?"
How can I know that?

I do 95% at PC and I´m not a specialist in smartphone, but I see this difference between "site" and "app":
- a site is a "link" that I can find in Google, not a program/application, and there is no need to install
- an app is what I have to look for in Play Store and to download and to install

So regarding Cadena 100 exist both. But what I always used is the link www. cadena100.es that work also at PC. And what I do is to go on this site to ... (I have my phone in German, but translate) ... "add this site to start screen", so I get a logo with a small Google-logo in the corner. And this is what has caused the problems. If I delete this no stops. If I use this, stops!

Would it be possible that someone does the same and look if this generate problems with his PA?

Edited by thomasTS

It you are loading the Spanish site into a web browser, and the site/browser is triggering audio playback, then having that page open at the same time as trying to listen to PA could cause the browser to keep asking for audio focus. The two options are not visiting that page while trying to listen to PA, or tell PA to ignore external audio focus requests.


Thanks Andre!

I suppose we are a step forward and the problem is not the site/app by itself but the way how to close it. I had in my last phones navigation by buttons and in that P30 I use swipes and my impression is that the sites/apps are reacting different to this swipes.

Some close when swiping from bottom to top, others from right to left. I have been concentrated whether there keeps a dot in the logo of the site/app but now I observed an other behavior: this Cadena 100 site reacts different to the swipes. And the difference is not seen in the Cadena100-logo but in the Google-logo.

When changing from radio to PA I always stop before the sound in the radio (the two vertical bars change to triangle).
But when I close than from bottom to top the Cadena100-site, there remains a dot in the Google-logo and when I close from wright to left this dot disappear. 
But other apps/sites close completely by swipes from bottom to top. And others like TuneIn Radio do not close in both ways but only by some steps in the menu. 

Final impression: PA only stops all 10-15 sec if there remains a dot in the Google-logo. 

Have you better knowledge regarding the navigation (with swipes)? Is there a rule I have not got? Or is it general different in some site/apps? 


Now everything indicates that problem is solved. The situation is very stable. Will give final resume in two days.

So now time to enjoy the new DIY-headset I made this week for longboarding. 
With two replacement 40 mm speakers for Bose for total 19 €, Yaxi pads and a nice cable with MMCX contacts and neckband. The case for the speakers is made of epoxy and with the bottom of a coffee-cup. The round green holder is made with epoxy with 70% flex to allow adjustments to both sides. Rest is carbon and alloy. The sound of that speakers is really surprisingly good.  






Edited by thomasTS
  • Solution

Resume of this case:

I had the problem that Poweramp (PA) always stopped after starting, in a frequency of 12-15 sec. May be 8 times in two minutes.
The problem was caused because I was not aware that after closing my preferred radio channel there always remained a dot in the Google-logo. This happened when I closed radio with a swipe from bottom to top. Later I noticed, when I swipe from wright to left the radio-site closed completely and this dot disappeared. 
When there is no dot at the Google-logo there are also no problems with stops in PA.


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