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Control automático de ganancia

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Esta función que solicito es en base a una aplicación llamada jet audio. Lo que hace es regular y emparejar el volumen de la música para evitar subidas y bajadas de volumen entre diferentes pistas. Esto (No) modifica el archivo original solo lo nivela estando en la aplicación. 

Personalmente es indispensable así no te preocupas de que suba el volumen de manera inesperada y dejas de estar manipulando el volumen a cada momento.

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This is what Replay Gain does. Although it's not dynamic, it won't constantly turn the volume up and down in the middle of one track, it just sets a peak level for the loudest part of the whole track.

The Compressor in the stand-alone EQ app is closer to the dynamic Normalise function that you describe, and there are plans to port that over to the main app too. 


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Automatic gain control is a feedback regulator circuit in an amplifier or amplifier chain, whose purpose is to maintain an adequate signal amplitude at its output, despite the variation of the input signal amplitude.

A compressor is an electronic sound processor designed to reduce the dynamic range of the signal without making its presence too noticeable. This task is performed by reducing the gain of the system, when the signal exceeds a certain threshold.

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