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remember current track and time for each album


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I listen often to audiobooks and sometimes I want to switch to a musicfolder/album. When I switch back to the audiobook the player starts with the first track. So for me It's neccesary that the player remembers the track and time for each album/folder and continues when selecting a album at this mark.



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+1 I agree with Svenaldo. My Sansa Clip+ has this feature. It knows which files are Audiobooks and keeps the progress while I listen to other Songs. Maybe one could use the tags to differentiate betweet music and Audiobooks and just remember the last file and time of the last song with the Audiobook tag? Too much of a workaround? ^^

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There could be a simple .dotfile, which if found in a folder would indicate that the folder contains audiobooks, podcasts, etc. The files within that folder would then allow saved playback positions - possibly via simple filename/position entries in that same .dotfile, or another .dotfile matching each filename? - and they could also be excluded from any random-order playback modes, which was another request for audiobook/podcast files.


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