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Very long swipes to navigate from playlists


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Hello, long time user here. Previously I was able to just slightly swipe the very edge of the screen to navigate away from playlists. Now it seems I have to sweep across half the screen to get somewhere. I have small hands so this is slightly bothersome. Is it a bug or maybe a new feature? And if so is there any way to change it in settings? Thanks

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Do you mean while you are viewing the songs of playlist and you wish to return to the upper level Playlists view, or to the main Library Categories view? If so, the horizontal swipe required is about 15% of the screen width; if it was much less and you could trigger it accidentally while browsing. I don't know if this has changed (Max could tell us) but subjectively it feels like it always did.

Or better still, why not just use the Back button which tends to be right under your thumb on most phones?


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Hi andre, I just feel like the length you have to swipe has increased significantly the last few weeks. As I said i am a long time user. But i could be imagining things, or my fingers have shrunk lol. I use swipe gestures, so no back button on my phone. 

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