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Scan not finding mka files


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I am using yt-dlp to download youtube mixes and storing as chaptered mka files:
yt-dlp -f bestaudio[ext=webm] -x --audio-format opus --no-mtime --remux-video mka --embed-thumbnail --embed-chapters https://youtube.com/etcetcetc

But when I load the files onto my phone and put them in the Music directory, the scan doesn't always find them. Some of them have been found, but some haven't, and weirdly enough they will sometimes appear after I load additional mka tracks into the directory. Pretty confused and sadly the log file doesn't have any errors:

Version Info ======================
Build: Poweramp build-930-bundle-play full verified cached
Store: Play
Arch: 64
Skin: ActivityTheme_Black
Device: motorola moto g 5G plus nairo nairo nairo_retail [arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi]
Installer: com.android.vending (29.4.13-21 [0] [PR] 429618493)
Android: 11 motorola/nairo_retail/nairo:11/RPNS31.Q4U-39-27-5-14/cc03a:user/release-keys en_AU

Poweramp Log ======================
--------- beginning of system
03-05 13:15:12.334 28692 28692 I ActivityThread: Removing dead content provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@74f2e3
--------- beginning of main
03-05 18:03:33.643 28692 30285 E AshmemAudioSource.cpp: requestNewSourceFD msg_ashmem_fd=94 msg=fd
03-05 18:03:33.658 28692 17474 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service...
03-05 18:03:33.671 28692 17478 W PSOutputManager: no output_speaker pref, using safe output deviceName=speaker routedEndDeviceName=null
03-05 18:03:33.672 28692 17478 W PSOutputManager: selected output=com.maxmpz.audioplayer/output.osl for device=1 deviceName=speaker flags=0x20
03-05 18:03:33.684 28692 17478 I osloutput.c: output_create output_buf_ms=60 dsp_bufs=2 dsp_postfade_blocks=1 dsp_prefetch_bufs=3 flags=0x20 sample_rate=0 sample_fmt=0 vis_latency_ms=0
03-05 18:03:33.684 28692 17478 I osloutput.c: output_create frames_per_block=2880 block ms=60.000000 num_bufs=2 at_min_buf_frames=11568 sl_min_buf_frames=240 sr=48000 at_sr=48000 sl_sr=48000 caps=0x20 latency=120.000000
03-05 18:03:33.684 28692 17479 W dsp_thread.c: output resampler required, output:  ch=2 fmt=1 sr=48000 ch_lay=3
03-05 18:03:33.685 28692 17479 D mpz.audioplaye: PlayerBase::PlayerBase()
03-05 18:03:33.685 28692 17479 D mpz.audioplaye: TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase()
03-05 18:03:33.685 28692 17479 I libOpenSLES: Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2)
03-05 18:03:33.704 28692 17479 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(): RelativeVolumeFeature, mStreamType 3, streamType 3, attributes: usage=0 content=0 flags=0x0 tags=[]
03-05 18:03:33.706 28692   397 D AudioTrack: onSetVolume: RelativeVolumeFeature, mPercentage:-1.000000, newPercentage:1.000000
03-05 18:03:33.707 28692 17479 I dsp_thread.c: creating DSP plugin: com.maxmpz.audioplayer/plugin.milk(8)
03-05 18:03:33.715 28692 17479 I dsp_thread.c: creating DSP plugin: com.maxmpz.audioplayer/plugin.tempo(14)
03-05 18:03:33.715 28692 17479 I dsp_thread.c: creating DSP plugin: com.maxmpz.audioplayer/plugin.reverb(15)
03-05 18:03:33.738 28692 17474 E RestNowPlaying: toUriCore FAIL to moveFilesCursorToId uri=content://com.maxmpz.audioplayer.data/files/-2?pos=0 res=-5
03-05 18:04:10.438 28692 28692 W Choreographer: Frame time is 0.212455 ms in the future!  Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase.
03-05 18:04:34.833 28692 28692 W Choreographer: Frame time is 0.012547 ms in the future!  Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase.
03-05 18:04:43.176 28692 28692 W Choreographer: Frame time is 0.165041 ms in the future!  Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase.
03-05 18:04:58.634 28692 28704 W mpz.audioplaye: Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 355 to 100
03-05 18:04:58.651 28692 28706 W System  : A resource failed to call release.
03-05 18:05:10.275 28692 17726 W ScanDispatcherService: Scan requested: menu click com.maxmpz.audioplayer.ACTION_SCAN_DIRS
03-05 18:05:10.278 28692 17726 W RestStorages: Using foldersPref=primary/Music/ folders=[primary/Music/]
03-05 18:05:10.388 28692 17726 W FolderScanner3: Starting scan=primary/Music/ fast=true full=false
03-05 18:05:11.580 28692 17726 W FolderScanner3: Scanned dirs: 12, files: 0 in 1201ms 0.0 files per sec, 10.0 folders per sec
03-05 18:05:11.588 28692 17726 W ScanDispatcherService: Scan requested: menu click com.maxmpz.audioplayer.ACTION_SCAN_TAGS
03-05 18:05:11.726 28692 17726 W LibraryScanner3: scan pass=1 (lastId=0) limit=3002 memoryMb=192 MAX_MEMORY=192
03-05 18:05:11.731 28692 17726 W LibraryScanner3: Processed files in 15ms, files=0 had unprocessed files=false
03-05 18:05:11.733 28692 17726 W LibraryScanner3: processCues in 1ms  cueParseTime=0ms cueVerifyTime=0ms fileExtChecks=0 cueSaveTime=0ms cueDeleteTime=0ms standaloneCuesTime=1ms embedCuesTime=0ms
03-05 18:05:11.810 28692 17726 W LibraryScanner3: Scan in 121ms fast=true
03-05 18:05:11.810 28692 17726 W LibraryScanner3: committedFiles=0 committedCueFiles=0 totalCommitted=0 deletedMinTracks=0 deletedCueTracks=0 preScanFilesAndEntriesCount=1130 postScanFilesAndEntriesCount=1130 tracksDeleted=false newTracksCommitted=false preScanMaxFilesId=1372 postScanMaxId=1372 touchedPlaylistEntries=0 changedAfterFoldersScan=>false tracksChanged=>false
03-05 18:05:49.218 28692 17479 I dsp_thread.c: dsp_thread_release_impl releasing: com.maxmpz.audioplayer/plugin.tempo
03-05 18:05:49.218 28692 17479 I dsp_thread.c: dsp_thread_release_impl releasing: com.maxmpz.audioplayer/plugin.reverb
03-05 18:05:49.218 28692 17479 I dsp_thread.c: dsp_thread_release_impl releasing: com.maxmpz.audioplayer/plugin.milk
03-05 18:05:49.272 28692 28706 W System  : A resource failed to call release.
03-05 18:05:49.286 28692 28692 W PlayerService: Poweramp Player Service leaves the scene
03-05 18:06:03.190 28692 18430 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service...
03-05 18:06:03.213 28692 18433 W PSOutputManager: no output_speaker pref, using safe output deviceName=speaker routedEndDeviceName=null
03-05 18:06:03.213 28692 18433 W PSOutputManager: selected output=com.maxmpz.audioplayer/output.osl for device=1 deviceName=speaker flags=0x20
03-05 18:06:03.217 28692 18433 I osloutput.c: output_create output_buf_ms=60 dsp_bufs=2 dsp_postfade_blocks=1 dsp_prefetch_bufs=3 flags=0x20 sample_rate=0 sample_fmt=0 vis_latency_ms=0
03-05 18:06:03.217 28692 18433 I osloutput.c: output_create frames_per_block=2880 block ms=60.000000 num_bufs=2 at_min_buf_frames=11568 sl_min_buf_frames=240 sr=48000 at_sr=48000 sl_sr=48000 caps=0x20 latency=120.000000
03-05 18:06:03.219 28692 18434 W dsp_thread.c: output resampler required, output:  ch=2 fmt=1 sr=48000 ch_lay=3
03-05 18:06:03.219 28692 18434 D mpz.audioplaye: PlayerBase::PlayerBase()
03-05 18:06:03.220 28692 18434 D mpz.audioplaye: TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase()
03-05 18:06:03.220 28692 18434 I libOpenSLES: Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2)
03-05 18:06:03.225 28692 18434 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(): RelativeVolumeFeature, mStreamType 3, streamType 3, attributes: usage=0 content=0 flags=0x0 tags=[]
03-05 18:06:03.226 28692 16902 D AudioTrack: onSetVolume: RelativeVolumeFeature, mPercentage:-1.000000, newPercentage:1.000000
03-05 18:06:03.227 28692 18434 I dsp_thread.c: creating DSP plugin: com.maxmpz.audioplayer/plugin.milk(8)
03-05 18:06:03.227 28692 18434 I dsp_thread.c: creating DSP plugin: com.maxmpz.audioplayer/plugin.tempo(14)
03-05 18:06:03.227 28692 18434 I dsp_thread.c: creating DSP plugin: com.maxmpz.audioplayer/plugin.reverb(15)


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Hi Andre,

Yeah other sources are being found fine. I used to rip to Opus files (non-chaptered/no coverart) and never had any issues. I transfer to my phone via SSH using Amaze. I can play the files in Poweramp by opening the file in a file browser with the Poweramp app, but they aren't appearing in the database.

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Sounds like the method of copying may be the issue, perhaps the files are not being properly flagged as 'new' items in storage? It may not be the file format as issue at all.

Does Settings > Library > FULL Rescan find all the missing items, or do the same songs still remain missing from the Library? If the same files always refuse to appear in the library, could you uploaded a few samples for checking (sent from the phone's storage, not the originals on your PC).


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The problem is in your tagging, the audio content plays fine if you strip off the tags. I suspect the embedded CUE-style chapter splitting is the problem, but none of my normal tagging programs will read it. @maxmp would need to take a look at this and see if it's actually within spec, and/or if he can code around it.


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Playing was never an issue, but the inconsistent library behavior is. They always played in Poweramp if manually opened via a file browser, similarly I have items in the library with tags created using the same method.

As an aside, VLC recognises the chapters appropriately so I don't think they're entirely off spec.

Thanks for testing it out.

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Don't forget that Poweramp doesn't recognise chaptering in audio files at all, it's nothing to do with MKA particularly.

It can handle CUE sheets though, which result in a folder-like item with separate songs contained within it. It can also handle such CUE sheet data when embedded within some file formats (I know it works with FLAC for example). Whether the overall large audio file is also displayed in lists is controlled by PA Settings > Library > Lists > Show CUE Disc Image Files.


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43 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Don't forget that Poweramp doesn't recognise chaptering in audio files at all, it's nothing to do with MKA particularly.

Yep, I wasn't entirely expecting that it would, although it would have been nice ;).

45 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Whether the overall large audio file is also displayed in lists is controlled by PA Settings > Library > Lists > Show CUE Disc Image Files.

I ticked this and both of those two files I shared earlier are now showing in the library! I guess there's a bug involving this particular combination of format and chapter data..

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@banjoman I suspect that the chaptering information is being detected as being akin to an embedded CUE sheet (so the overall file does not get displayed by default) but the embedded data is not getting parsed correctly into separate pseudo-folders. You have tried looking for these items as subfolders within the Library > Folders Hierarchy view haven't you?


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19 hours ago, andrewilley said:

@banjoman I suspect that the chaptering information is being detected as being akin to an embedded CUE sheet (so the overall file does not get displayed by default) but the embedded data is not getting parsed correctly into separate pseudo-folders. You have tried looking for these items as subfolders within the Library > Folders Hierarchy view haven't you?


Yeah I have tried searching, they don't seem to be populated as album folders. I uploaded all my other albums with chapter info and they all seem to be showing. Although I have tried toggling the switch and they aren't disappearing. I am not sure if that's it entirely.

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