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A question about downloading from a different device


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Hi there!

I recently downloaded the paid PlayerPro music player app from you via Android market. my current phone btw is a UK SIM-free HTC Desire S with the latest 2.3.5 software. but i plan to sell my phone for a Sony Ericcson Xperia Play.

may i ask:

1. will i still be able to download the paid app once i bought my Play (or any device for that matter) and sign-in to the Android Market?

2. will all features such as Dolby and SRS still be useful and available when i download the app? (even though the phone has no "built-in" Dolby or SRS features or capability?


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1. Paid market apps are purchased per google account. Thus you can reinstall PowerAMP full version on any device which has your google account in Accounts & Sync and also this account is selected in Market => menu => Accounts.

2. These are HTC specific effects, though you can get similar results by using PowerAMP's bass tone+stereoX combination. Both are more powerful on androids 2.3 due to the Direct Volume Control and thus, greater possible amplification.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, in short i won't be able to enjoy Dolby and/or SRS because the Xperia Play don't "support" or is not not compatible with them? is that correct?

As regards your Answer #2 is the bass tone+stereoX available in the full version? you said it provides better sound than that of Dolby?

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