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Album Art isn't sent to Chromecast device since Build 912

Go to solution Solved by GeilerHeinz,

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I've just checked with my old Chromecast 1 plugged into a TV, using a Galaxy A70 Android 11 and PA build 914. Album art displays correctly on the TV as I change tracks. I tried about 100 songs randomly (some with properly embedded art, some with PA downloaded images) and everything worked fine. I did find one single song (with downloaded art) that showed as blank initially during skipping through, but it worked when I manually selected the track. I put it down to some sort of random file or caching issue. Looks like it might be something specific to your devices, which would be hard to track down.

Are the images embedded or downloaded for your songs? Do you have Settings -> Audio -> Output -> Chromecast Output -> Force Send Album Art enabled?


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