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Copy album art from another track


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As in the title. Sometimes Poweramp's album art guessing magic does not succeed and the correct album art does not show up on the manual art "search" menu either. Would be useful if we could just copy the art from an existing track with a proper one.


Thanks for reading :)

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Downloaded artwork is cached in Android/data/com.maxmpz.audioplayer/files/album_art/ . If you want, you can replace any given cached JPEG file (find the matching name for your song/album/artist) with one of your own, which PA will use from then on.

Of course the best and simplest solution is to have the correct artwork embedded in the audio file in the first place.


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So in the Album Art download screen for any given song, you would envisage having a 'Copy' button which would copy the song's currently-used image to the clipboard. And subsequently, if there is an image on the clipboard (which could even have come from another app of course) there should be a square 'Paste from Clipboard' thumbnail image allowing you to use it for a new song. That does sound like a potentially useful feature to me too.


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My original idea was a "Copy from" button on the album art selection dialog that would let you choose and copy the album art of any existing track from your library.

Nevertheless your approach also seems like a solid solution and it also has some added benefits, so it would work too.

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A 'Copy From' feature might require considerable extra code to allow you to search for the song you want to use (searching through different category views, drilling down, etc). Simply adding 'Copy Current Image to Clipboard' and 'Paste Image from Clipboard' functions into the existing Album Art selection screen ought to be considerably simpler - and would actually be more flexible too, as you could copy/paste to/from other apps too, and paste the same clipboarded image into several songs in turn, etc.


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