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REQUEST to use the USB DAC as a output option/decoder .

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i been looking which players have DAC support to play music. That is Hiby  music and AAPU player. The music is alive,  it sounds so much better. Those players have the option to use it as an option,  in PA player there are software options, this will be a hardware option 

OpenSL ES Output

Audio Track Output 

Hi Res Output 

AAudio Output

[USB DAC] can it be add it? 

There is no option to pick the usb dac as an output option.  Rather Than have it one of the options where the audio goes.. 

Also the music using the USB DAC as ab output,  something i have notice,  there is not distortion When the song is super loud and the base is on. I have the equalizer flat. 

Having that option and using effects like reverb or the EQ. Wouldn't that make Poweramp player the best.  Lest be honest, I've seen other players,  this one has the best UI,  that's probably one of the reasons i have this app since 2016 or before when i had my HTC vivid 

Thank you 


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4 hours ago, Centermid18 said:

Ohh no , drivers are need it for each specific device/dac ? 

No, that was my point, PA does not do that (would be next to impossible as there are so many out there). USB DACs are addressed via Android. Choose an Output method (e.g Hi-Res or OpenSL ES) and set USB DAC to use that method. @maxmp might be able to elaborate on that, as I don't use external DACs on my devivces.


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On 10/23/2021 at 12:47 AM, Centermid18 said:

i been looking which players have DAC support to play music. That is Hiby  music and AAPU player. The music is alive,  it sounds so much better. Those players have the option to use it as an option,  in PA player there are software options, this will be a hardware option 

OpenSL ES Output

Audio Track Output 

Hi Res Output 

AAudio Output

[USB DAC] can it be add it? 

There is no option to pick the usb dac as an output option.  Rather Than have it one of the options where the audio goes.. 

Also the music using the USB DAC as ab output,  something i have notice,  there is not distortion When the song is super loud and the base is on. I have the equalizer flat. 

Having that option and using effects like reverb or the EQ. Wouldn't that make Poweramp player the best.  Lest be honest, I've seen other players,  this one has the best UI,  that's probably one of the reasons i have this app since 2016 or before when i had my HTC vivid 

Thank you 


First of all @maxmp Thnx for everything you've done. Have been a while since I was active on these forums. Not because I don't use Poweramp, I use it daily, but just because I'm that satisfied. Every wish I had, up untill now 🙂 had been developed. Just Love the app. The only thing I did on this board is thanking you when an update was released. 

Now however I would like to back up this request. Not sure how realistic this request is, but please alow me to explain why I request this. I spported a kickstarter project for an extrenal USB DAC to see if I could get more out of the Hi-Res feature Poweramp is offering. In stead of it boosting the quality, it downgrades it. When using the DAC with Poweramp there's more his, static noise and with silence and fade in in tracks the sound seems to be compressed by some kind of threshold. It  sounds like software is eating bits and pieces from the music up untill it reaches a certain volume from which point it seems to play fine. 

So I started to do some research and apprently it has to do with the Andoid sound system. To check this, I downloaded Neutron Player, wich bypasses the Android audio system and plays directly through the DAC. While this works very wel and it sounds really good through the external DAC, Neutron as a music player really sucks. To make one thing clear, I will be ditching the DAC and not Poweramp if there is no way to solve this. I figured it wouldn't hurt filing a request and see if Max wants to adress this issue. 

@andrewilley Setting a fixed sample rate through the Hi-res settings for the USB DAC in the output settings doesn't solve this issue. So apperently it isn't caused by resampling. 

A solution like Neutron player is offering with it's own audio driver is probably too much to ask, but maybe there's another solution?

Thnx, anyway!

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