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Sound fluctuates from high to low in a pattern on full bass on Android 11

John Wrek

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I wonder has anyone faced this?

I recently purchased Poweramp pro version. The app is not compatible with Android 11,as in the full bass the music playback is like fluctuating as sine wave. I've tired reinstalling app and leaving from beta as well. The app works fine in Android 10 and lower version. I'm specifically talking about the device Realme 7 pro android 11 version. Please provide the future update with Android 11 compatibility. 

Does this reduction in volume tend to occur during loud (100% peak) passages? If you wind the bass up to full (which is not usually a good idea) you should consider reducing the main pre-amp gain by a similar amount to avoid either clipping (distortion) or volume reduiction (if you have the Limiter enabled).



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