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Now playing list


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Any chance we can view the now playing list like you can in android auto in the app?  I know the long way to do it (queue the playlist> manually shuffle the list> play from the top but like I said it's a long way to an option that exists already since it's available in android auto. Sorry if there is a setting to do it I missed. 



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That is what you get, a scrollable list of what's up next and what's already been played.

e.g. when listening to an album (below) you'd see 'Stark Raving Love' is highlighted as the current song, and 'Out of the Flying Pan' is the next song, and so on. Same applies if you are listening to folders, a playlist, etc.


Note: that won't work if you are in a Shuffled playback mode (where it's kinda the point that the next song is random, rather than expected). Currently the only way to see what's coming next in a Shuffle category would be to use (menu) > List Options > Sort Order > By Shuffle Order. That menu option will remain selected for when you are next browsing the same category, so remember to turn it off again if you want to see your Albums in their original order for example.

There already a Feature Request for a separate simple flat list of history and upcoming tracks, which would work in any playback category or mode, see:


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As I said, this is already an existing Feature Request (https://forum.powerampapp.com/topic/19240-now-playing-listqueue-feature/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-97067). Please add your voice to that thread to make it more current.

That image.png 'Now Playing' List which is meant to be available in AA has never actually worked for me by the way, all I ever get is a spinning timer symbol when I tap it (either on the car head-unit, or in the AA app on my phone).


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There are a huge number of pretty random and unique feature requests on here and in the long term to-do list, sometimes they can get sidelined behind other bigger projects (such as the recent six months or so on the Parametric EQ system, which had been requested for many years). But keep on asking anyway, otherwise it definitely won't happen.


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There are probably hundreds of smaller feature requests sitting on these forums that haven't been got around to as yet, it's a question of which 'little' jobs get prioritised.

Please remember that Poweramp is a one-developer project, and there are only so many hours in @maxmp's day. He often works on specific major feature developments (such as the recent Equalizer work) for many months, but that does sometime let the smaller stuff drift way down in the to-do list.

So while the code to generate a previous/upcoming, or 'now playing', songs list may already be present within the app, and much of the code to display such a list is already there in the 'All Songs' category, it would still require many days work to implement, test across multiple devices, and debug such a feature.

But the more people who independently request it, the more likely it is to happen at some point. I too would like to see it by the way.


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