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Shuffle songs advanced


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hm... how do i put this

when i press shuffle it just mix my songs but its still played in order is there any way or can you make that he jumps out on other songs

now is like he shuffle once and play songs by order 1 2 3 4 5....last

and what i want is press shuffle and that he plays 4 (algoritam so i dont know what next track is or just some random number from 1 to last in playlist... it keeps lists more intresting cuz you dont know what thing will be next... but if i press back he returns me on track that was played before and when i press next it gives some other new number)

example of 2. part

if i play song 4 9 and now it ends and random generate lets say 2 and i press back it backs me to 9 (if again back to 4) but when 9 (or 4) is finished it gives new random number lets say 7

if you know what i mean...

sry for bad english ;)

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