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Buy powerAmp in Euro currency, and other question


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Bonjour from France, newbie on the Poweramp soft and on this forum.

1/ I'd like to know if it is possible to pay for Poweramp at a Poweramp account in Euro, and if yes - what is the process ?

Poweramp managers must know that many potential customers in Europ are inhibited by this problem of payment by US dollars...

If really No other way to pay, is Paypal accepted to receive money ?

2/ I'll wish to use Poweramp in 2 or 3 devices of my home : my Desktop in my desk at the first floor, my netbook in my bedroom, my tablet always in my pocket.

Buying a licence allows me to have the use of Poweramp in my 3 home computers ?

3/ some friends (as I do) worries about payment, as here and there it is said that payment are not followed by having the user's right of Poweramp.

Understand that it'snt a good advertisement for the besides of this excellent software product.

Point 1/ and point 3/ are two problems that operate like a "brake" freezing many European people to buy and use Poweramp

(personally, I do wish to get Poweramp, but for 2 years now, I am sticked with Winamp).

I sincerely wish to get some answers to this 3 points.

In advance, I thank you !

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