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        Before I switched to Poweramp I used wavelet (opensource Headphone specific equalization) for better music experience. I know it decreases sound quality but It was necessary for  some of my headphones to be enjoyable. I can't use wavelet whit Poweramp hifi output (Lg V20) and would like to see a Parametric Equalizer integrated in Poweramp. 
AutoEq is an opensource project on github. its a library of over 2000 headphones parametric Eq settings for making the sound more Harman tuned.  I would like to see the preset library be implemented whit an Parametric Equalizer. Thank You in Advance!
AutoEq GitHub link: https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq

  • 7 months later...

AutoEq preset importing now supported by both Poweramp player and Poweramp Equalizer in builds 907+. Both parametric and graphic modes are supported.

The next step is providing a way to search in AutoEq database directly from the app - this is a planned feature.

  • 3 months later...

@maxmp i dont know much. i bought Poweramp and used fixed and paramedic harman curve presets for xm3 and xm4 by "autoeq".

But i want to know that, how can i load / which file should be loaded for graphic eq on Poweramp.

i thing graphic preset of autoeq is not for Poweramp.

*On tha github it says that fixed eq has same name, graphic eq.

*Should i remake lines for graphic eq and manually set them with the same values as fixed preset? (10 to 32)

i will be appreciate if you have an answer for me 

*Sorry for bad English^^

Edited by ferhat1983

@ferhat1983 perhaps this helps.I have put the Autoeq definitions on my website which you can download. All you then do is to import the one you select

Download AutoEq graphic and parametric equaliser settings here

where here is the link on this page


@flyingdutchman thank you very much. But i have the files from github :)

all i want to know is about the usage of "32 band graphic preset file"

-when applying graphic preset to the Poweramp, should i need to set it to 32 bands? And import a graphic preset file to Poweramp, right??

Edited by ferhat1983

Yes, the bands are defined within the files. Set PA's EQ mode to Graphic or Parametric and then just import the .txt file that you downloaded from the AutoEQ site.

e.g. for a 10-band parametric setting, the .txt file might look something like this:

Preamp: -7.1 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 21 Hz Gain -12.1 dB Q 0.68
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 64 Hz Gain -2.2 dB Q 1.13
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 1932 Hz Gain -8.3 dB Q 1.69
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 3945 Hz Gain 8.3 dB Q 3.35
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 12413 Hz Gain -4.1 dB Q 0.89
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 621 Hz Gain 3.0 dB Q 0.84
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 1099 Hz Gain -2.2 dB Q 1.72
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 4646 Hz Gain 5.3 dB Q 5.91
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 5283 Hz Gain -5.6 dB Q 3.08
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 7226 Hz Gain 4.1 dB Q 5.14

You can always set the number of bands in advance if you find PA is trying to redefine a set of graphic values to fit in with your current option.


@andrewilley thank you for deatiled explanation.

So to use graphic eq preset, i have to set PA's eq to graphic mode, and also set it Band limit to 32 (the least) and the frequency level 20to20 (for xm4)

But in the graphic preset file for xm4, there is 127 bands 🤣

Dumb question isnt it...

So the PA gonna automize it or what?

Edited by ferhat1983

PA can't handle 127 graphic bands, how excessive is that?! I don't know if it could even read the file and average it down to the amount of bands it can use (32).

There may be some automation as some point in the future, but adding the ability to read the AutoEQ text files was a pretty simple addition to the existing plans for load/save code. 


  • 3 weeks later...

I am sorry to call back the thread.

can anyone please explain me how to import the txt autoeq files for my headphones into Poweramp?

specifically i have three earphones for which i’d like to import (and save) their autoeq parametric equalizations, without inputting everything by hand.



Edit: i found out, by long pressing in the eq presets, i can import the autoeq txt files.

Edited by Daniele Martire

@Daniele Martire The following is a basic guide:

Download the relevant file from the AutoEQ website. It will be a plain text file, choose whatever you want for graphic or parametric use.

Set the PA equalizer mode to match whatever type of file you have downloaded. In PA Settings > Audio > Equalizer, adjust the mode to parametric, graphic bands, etc.

Then in the PA Equalizer screen, if you plan to work with a new named preset rather than modifying an existing one, tap 'Save' to enter a new name. You can even assign it for use with specific outputs - e.g. wired headset, or a named Bluetooth device - or you can do that later if you prefer.

Tap the Preset button (which will show as whatever name is currently in use, such as the one you just created in the previous step) to view the full list. Long-press on whichever preset name you wish to update. Tap Import, and choose the file which you downloaded from the AutoEQ site.


  • 8 months later...

Not sure if this is the right thread...I have some question about AutoEQ filters. I noticed that on 10-band parametric eq output the frequencies are in two groups of 5 filters. Does the order of the filters in PA matter? Can I arrange my filters in PA going from low to high frequency to achieve the same sound signature as intended (AutoEQ)?

Does PA support the AutoEQ eq filters subsets as described where different pre-amp values can be applied to each subset.


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