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4 minutes ago, flyingdutchman said:

@andrewilley i remember fixing this recently. A user pointed put they were not showing. What is the default? I never use this functionality

Me neither, I was testing something about Visualizations for a user when I spotted it. There are three modes:

Off - nornal Player Screen
Faded Controls - everything on the Player Screen is still visible over the patterns, but at reduced opacity (seems to work fine)
Full Screen - All controls are hidden so only the visualization is visible. Works correctly apart from the elapsed and duration counters still being shown over the Full Screen visualization


Sorry for delay reply, as i was "split" if this "bug" is bug or cool new feature 😉

if Visualisation is set to Full Screen, normal/default is not show elapsed/duration on Visualization screen, but when tap on screen, full screen Visualization is temporary (for some sec) on background and show all controls/info

- with previous YAPS version is not show elepsed/duration in that case

- with new version YAPS version is show in that case and also when Visualization is show

Not sure how complicated be:
- in default make elapsed/duration with fullscren visualisation show only when tap on screen
- add option to show elapsed/duration also on visualization screen (as in latest YAPS version)
- and maybe add similar option to show also track info on visualization screen? 🙂

Don't sure if with my bad english is this understandable, so maybe create some screenshots?

20 hours ago, flyingdutchman said:

@Beda i have now reverted to normal behaviour. The different behaviour was an unexpected bug due to some changes relating to elapsed/duration

that's a pity 😞 in Car (where i primary use PA with LCD on) is time on fullscreen visualisation nice 😉 so i after debug for you keep/revert on/to V264 🙂

anyway i make backup of PA and YAPS, make today update, and elapsed/duration is not on visualisation, but again is not show in main screen when is played+fullscreen_visualisation and tap on lcd...

i attach 2 screenshot, in both is Vissualisation set to FullScreen, in Played is screen grabed when tap on screen



@Beda With Full Screen Visualization enabled, no interface/control elements should be visible, only the synced colour patterns. That includes the Elapsed and Duration counters. If you want to see the controls/etc, you should use the "Fade Controls" option.

@flyingdutchman I can confirm the latest update makes the counters now disappear as expected, but the simple seekbar is now visible instead...



@andrewilley no, look pls again on my screenshot, with FullScreen Vissualisation enabled AND when you tap on screen, is show (temporary to some sec) all interfaces/control elemets (and you can see it, or use control element as switch track, move in time, swtich repeat/shuffle etc, but with V265 is NOT show elapsed/duration times (as you can see on screenshot with played) 😉 

@Beda Ah, yes, I can now see that too - but only after exiting back to the Library view and then going back into the playing screen. In that condition, both the counters and the simple seekbar are hidden even when controls are temporarily viewed. If you pause and start playing again, the counters and seekbar are correctly displayed when you tap-to-see-controls, but the seekbar (only) is shown over the Viz pattern.


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