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Add 'AutoEq' pre-sets for equalizer to normalize headphones

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There is a project that allows a user to 'normalize' their headphones based on industry standard measurements, see https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/blob/master/README.md

with a list of supported headphones at https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/blob/master/results/README.md

Could you, like for instance the wavelet app, enable a function to load these settings based on a headphone selection to be loaded as eq settings for normalization and then allow a second eq to color the music style ?

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Poweramp's equaliser is already parametric in terms of its internal code (that's how you can select the number of bands) and I believe Max plans to support user editing for the profile in the future.

I'm not sure about importing external settings though, I think you'd need to make the adjustments to the sliders for yourself - which you can already do now of course, using the numbers provided in the AutoEQ database of 10-band EQ settings.


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Actually the parametric settings are provided online in the results section, so you can easily provide the list from https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/blob/master/results/README.md which links to the parametric file like https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/blob/master/results/oratory1990/harman_over-ear_2018/Sony WH-1000XM3/Sony WH-1000XM3 ParametricEQ.txt 

So, it should be easy to implement ;-). Secondly you need to set all parameters to make it work, so manual changes would be a step, but only sliders will not work without Q factor and specific frequency. 

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I tried it on Neutron trial with manual settings (they have a text file with eq settings) and the result is amazing. If you look at the result for Sony WH-1000XM3 you see that the frequency/Qfactor/Gain is a very close approximation to the desired curve, much better than using fixed frequence and gain. Just see the comparison in the graph. I agree that it is questionable if a human ear would hear the delta in every music style you are listening to. Still, what is wrong with perfection 🙂

Sony WH-1000XM3.png

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Oh, I almost forgot. The benefit for users would be to download the settings automatically instead of tweaking things by hand. That is the main request. 


If I understand you correctly by 'in the meantime' you are suggesting to include this feature in a next/future release ?

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Yeah, I purchased Poweramp a year ago and since I've been using two different models of headphones, but both cannot be enjoyable enough without precise EQ. I've been using the graphic EQ from Poweramp until three weeks ago, when I switched to a new phone, thus making me capable of pushing further my equipment's potential. Using Neutron trial right now, and yeah, that little tweaks between really enhances the experience. I really urge the developers to implement the parametric EQ, Max had created the best audio player on Android to this day, but it can be really improved with the adjustable bandwidth/band frequency. Just a little comment I needed to communicate, never entered to this forum before and I created my account just to say this, hope I can participate a lot more in the future!

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@maxmpI know you said before that the internal code for the EQ is parametric anyway, so implementing user access is more of an interface design issue than a technical one. So is this something that is likely to be tackled sooner (in both PA and the stand-alone EQ) or still more of a future project? It would certainly be a welcome addition to tick off on the features list for many people anyway.


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@Pankajk5The real genius is Jaakko Pasanen who creates the settings from the measurements he collects from the labs. I will take credit for bringing things together only ;-). I was struggling like you with my sony headphones to reduce bass and get more clarity in the middle range. I even looked at the measurements and tried to adjust by hand. Based on the results I stumbled on wavelet that uses AutoEq (16 bits only) and then to the database of Jaakko. I applied them to Neutron trial and like you was blown away by the result, so much better than my manual attempts to get things straight. Hence my request to get this integrated into Poweramp so we can all benefit from the experience. You can always tweak a bit on music style or personal preference, but you need a solid base to start with. 

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1 hour ago, hhasert said:

@Pankajk5The real genius is Jaakko Pasanen who creates the settings from the measurements he collects from the labs. I will take credit for bringing things together only ;-). I was struggling like you with my sony headphones to reduce bass and get more clarity in the middle range. I even looked at the measurements and tried to adjust by hand. Based on the results I stumbled on wavelet that uses AutoEq (16 bits only) and then to the database of Jaakko. I applied them to Neutron trial and like you was blown away by the result, so much better than my manual attempts to get things straight. Hence my request to get this integrated into Poweramp so we can all benefit from the experience. You can always tweak a bit on music style or personal preference, but you need a solid base to start with. 

I agree with you bro, finding the right combination was always difficult for me. Infact I was thinking my earphone is not much capable now I am thrilled after these settings. Thanks 

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1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

I got the impression that there are no copyright issues, the configurations are provided in a standardised CSV format so anyone can download and use them.


I am pretty sure there is no copyright on them, free to download. The Parametric files are available as text files :


Preamp: -6.4 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 24 Hz Gain -5.7 dB Q 0.47
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 119 Hz Gain -6.5 dB Q 0.64
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 1515 Hz Gain 5.3 dB Q 1.59
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 4278 Hz Gain 4.7 dB Q 1.78
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 16206 Hz Gain 2.3 dB Q 0.72
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 547 Hz Gain -2.0 dB Q 3.27
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 805 Hz Gain -1.6 dB Q 3.89
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 2193 Hz Gain 0.5 dB Q 0.09
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 6791 Hz Gain 3.9 dB Q 5.89
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 6815 Hz Gain -2.3 dB Q 1.44

So should be easy to parse. 

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