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Sort as "Surname Name" AND display as "Name Surname"


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in case you sort by Artist, can Poweramp to sort as "Surname Name" AND display as "Name Surname"?

For example, "Nana Vasconcelos" should appear as "Nana Vasconcelos" but should be ordered as "Vasconcelos Nana" at the letter V near the end of an ascending alphabetical order.

Many thanks,




There's no way to know what format an Artist name has been saved in. For example, if the artist is named as "Simply Red", you don't want their songs to be sorted under Red, Simply.

This could only be achieved if Poweramp ever supports the newer (but as yet rarely-used as far as I know) ID3 v2.4 tag 'TSOP' (Performer Sort Order).


9 minutes ago, enricob said:

MusicBee for Windows lets you enable custom sort values for individuale artists, composer and albums.

Yes, if that writes to the files it would be setting the 'TSOP' tag (Performer Sort Order), and there are also similar tags for Album (TSOA) and Title (TSOT). None of them are supported by PA at the moment though.


1 hour ago, andrewilley said:

This could only be achieved if Poweramp ever supports the newer (but as yet rarely-used as far as I know) ID3 v2.4 tag 'TSOP' (Performer Sort Order).

Not so rare, IOS devices have been using all of these for many years. Many DLNA servers also use them like Asset UPnP, Plex, etc. The fallback when files do not have these sort tags is to default back to the standard equivalent tag. I really hope @maxmp has this on the ToDo list and adds it in the near future.

Using sortorder tags for Track Titles and Album Titles could work well, but If Max did implement it for Artists how would you suggest multiple artist names (when that is implemented too) are handled? I would suggest ignoring the TSOP tag for any songs with multiple artist names.


2 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Using sortorder tags for Track Titles and Album Titles could work well, but If Max did implement it for Artists how would you suggest multiple artist names (when that is implemented too) are handled?

Same way the Artist tag is managed using the separator. For example;

John Lennon/Paul McCartney

Lennon, John/McCartney, Paul

57 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

I don't think the TSOP tag is intended to have multiple contents though, it's a single sorting entity.

In these cases, depending on the player of course, that may not help. But as long as the separator exists in the tag and the player supports it, then it will work. And if not at least the first artist in the SortArtist field will be in the correct place, assuming it is treated as a single content field.

For the record, iTunes itself doesn't support any multiple content in any fields, and simply looks at the separator as a standard character. So fields with extra artists are listed as one long field. But in other players they are separated and browsed under each separated artist. The TSOP field should be treated no differently in my opinion.

But if it isn't in the plan for PA, I guess that is irrelevant.🤔

BTW I have Android and IOS devices on the go, both work with the tagging details I have been including for years. I just make sure to rip and tag everything accurately first in a temporary desktop folder. Then I can add to iTunes (managed by iTunes🤯) and have my Asset and Plex servers pick up the newly added tracks from that library. Once it has been copied, I clean up the temp folder and repeat next time I buy more discs.

For PA, I simply drag and drop what I want to my uSD card from the library whenever I want to add new music for my phone. No further changes or updates required.


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