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Cover not showing when album title very long


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Dear all,

I have placed in every of my album folders an image called folder.jpg which shows the artwork. This is working for every album I have in Poweramp except the ones with very long album titles.



Artist: Fiona Apple

Album Title: The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do


Cover is not showing up even covers which will show up in other folders.

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I'd hazard a guess that the cached version of the image, which Poweramp stores in a temporary folder using a generated filename based on a combination of the artist and the title, is too long for a buffer or for the filesystem. Linux allows 255 character filenames, but I read somewhere that 127 is considered the 'safe' limit in Android - and even without the artist name or the .jpg extension, that same is already 116 characters. I would suggest for now that you embed the cover artwork into the audio files rather than using in-folder images.


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