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Skipping after 90 seconds.


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I have a problem, I have the full version and after 90 seconds my player skips to the next track or it skips after a second. The powersaving is turned off for Poweramp, and I have tried everything in the FAQs for it.

The actual tracks have no problems playing on other players, WMP and iTunes for two.  They are in MP3 format 256kbps.

I have tried everything here as I was given it when I emailed https://forum.powerampapp.com/kb/en_us/faq/Poweramp-stopspauses-when-in-background-or-when-screen-is-off-r22/ and here https://forum.powerampapp.com/kb/en_us/faq/skips-hiccups-stutters-r10/ 

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  • 4 weeks later...

There was no error message except when it skipped straight away.  It seems if Poweramp has MP3 error correction it wasn't working properly. I have converted all the tracks to m4a and the skipping has now stopped on both Bluetooth and wired connections.  It wasn't a quick thing to do though and the space  my music takes up has gone up by 25%, but it's worth it to stop the stuttering.

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Does this always happen, and/or at the same place with the same files. Sounds like the files are not reading correctly for some reason. Try copying the data off your SD Card, reformatting it, and copy everything back.

If you still have the same issue with specific MP3 tracks, please could you upload a sample for testing.


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