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Activate MusicFX on certain EQ presets


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Dear Poweramp,

one of the best improvments that I've seen you implement is the fact that certain EQ presets can be applied to specific devices, which is pretty handy for people who play music via Poweramp through more than 1 source (bluetooth speaker, wired earphones, car audio system etc.). One thing that's missing though is to implement an action for activating MusicFX with specific bluetooth devices. I'm using James DSP manager for my galaxy buds to use a parametic eq, which is activated via the MusicFX button in Poweramp, but I don't need MusicFX for my car audio system or my bluetooth speakers.

So I'd like to ask you to implement an extra step to make MusicFX applicable to certain devices, that would make Poweramp to the most versatile music player for Android

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