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How To Shuffle Songs?


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Hey all, I am sure there is a very easy answer to this but I sure can't find it. When I select GENERES then select COUNTRY. It then shows all of my different country albums. How can I make it play a song from album A then a song from album D then C and so on randomly. If I just select the squiggly arrows it randomly plays 1 whole album then another, and another. I want a bunch of different songs played from ALL my country albums. Thanks in advance.

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Tap 'All Genre Songs' at the top of that list of Country items, which will show you all of the individual songs that have a 'Country' tag and then you can Shuffle from there.

If you never want to use the other behaviour (so never want to shuffle the songs by album first) you can save yourself the extra tap and make 'songs' the default shuffling mode at the Genre level by enabling Settings > Library > Lists > Shuffle Category Songs. 


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19 hours ago, andrewilley said:

If you never want to use the other behaviour (so never want to shuffle the songs by album first) you can save yourself the extra tap and make 'songs' the default shuffling mode at the Genre level by enabling Settings > Library > Lists > Shuffle Category Songs. 

Thanks a lot Andre, that's exactly what I was looking for.

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