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Mp3 management. What do you do?


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Sadly I tried the search but I think its down.

I got an android coming from a BB and before that a Iphone and I have to say thank god for Poweramp as I use my phone as my only MP3 player at the gym, car you name it.

I do however draw a blank. How do you manage your MP3s and music files in an efficient way? For now I am dragging and dropping but I really would like to have the capability of uploading playlists rather than just dumping huge song amounts at a time on there.

Post your ideas it would be well appreciated.

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I'd use DoubleTwist. It also has wireless syncing, which is nice. The playlists will transfer over as well.

I have used that program once before and couldnt believe how painstakingly slow it was. Thought it was the first time run that was the issue but after updating even just ONE song it took a MASSIVE amount of time again. Really not convenient for me who uploads new songs every day.

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I mostly just drag'n'drop files and folders (using wi-fi, with Samba on the phone so it's always available without any cables). An average song takes a few seconds to copy.

For syncing my regularly updated items (podcasts and photos) I use Allway Sync on the PC, which is nice as it can propagate deletions too. It can run automatically, but I tend to launch it manually so I have better control of when it transfers data. It is a pure file-sync program though, it has no knowledge of music or playlist contents, etc.


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I think DoubleTwist is kinda working on the assumption that you use iTunes, according to their website anyway, so it wouldn't be much use to me (iTunes does not come anywhere near any of my computers; I have my own folder/file/content stucture for music and video already defined on my NAS and other devices, and don't want Apple telling me otherwise).


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I'm trying out Media Player 12 and only syncing 4&5 star and unrated files. Once embedded star ratings are implemented in v2.1 the star ratings will sync both ways and hopefully remove down graded music files. I used to manually sync but i want to automate the sync of only songs i like.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I currently also use mediamonkey... a bit frustrated in the whole area, cause my files are not properly tagged.

a whole bump of trackXX.mp3 files and so on...

Using MusicBrainz Picard, to get the mess somewhat done... but its a painfull job. Mediamonkey is a bit helping in mass taggings.

Still did not find any good solution for automatic album art inserting.

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MediaMonkey! The best!

I use mediamonkey too. Using drag-n-drop is just too difficult when doing a combo of adding and deleting. Using a sync method like media monkey, you can fiddle with what you want to add and delete and then, with a button click, tell it to "make it so". I was using a version of media monkey that was about a year old that didn't do this too well. Grabbing the current version fixed that and it works like a charm.

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I use drag-n-drop or Beyond Compare2 to maintain a disk folder image of my phone media, then use a straight sync tool (eg. SyncToy) to make it so. Working directly onto the phone is usually too slow due to the flash write speed.

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doubletwist will automatically sync your itunes with a Droid, but be careful if your itunes are all ALAC.

I did this and it downcoverted all my songs to MP3 quality.

I initially thought my Droid Bionic sounded bad, until I checked the card and saw it was only 2G full compared to the 9G of ALAC in my PC's iTunes.

That was what caused me to find Poweramp. I can drag and drop either songs or whole albums from my PC itunes over to the phone and they stay in the higher quality ALA.

I have not figured how to sync my itunes playlists or the entire library at once.

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