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Recently added section sorting


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Would it be possible for the Recently added section to display artists and albums instead of just tracks? The way it is now is not ideal, the tracks are usually scrambled and not in the correct order, so if I want to listen to an album I added recently I go to that section, scroll around until I find it and then go back to the main Library to find it again and then play it.

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On 6/10/2020 at 1:26 PM, Kundun said:

It's a matter of adding a grouping method to that library option, we talked about something like that here, a quick solution right now is to sort the Albums library option by recently added.

thank you for the quick solution, I didn't think of that

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I did it by changing Folders to sort in date added order so that my Albums stay listed in Album Artist order. The little glitch is if I update an album with new tags or a re-rip the copy from my main library on my PC changes the folder date to now. The only way I've worked around that is to remove the SD card from the phone and do the folder copy on the PC after I've changed the modified Date/Time to the original date these albums were added to my library. I use the "Bulk file changer" utility to backdate the folder / files to their original dates. For just file tag changes I use MP3Tag with the setting to not change the modified date on the file.

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