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Need ability to move high rated audio files to specified place

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I think it is good idea to add to Poweramp ability to copy or move high rated audio files to user specified folder or ability to delete not high rated files from folder and its subfolders.

Every day I have a lot of new music. Files are grouped by folders by artist and release. I listen them one by one and mark good ones with thumb up. It is from 1 to 10 percent of these audio files I want to  keep to listen again. Today it is hard work to walk through Poweramp library folder hierarchy and delete 90 percent files was not marked as high. 


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In the library view there is the top rated option (1), or you can sort the All songs view by rating (2)

#1: Library -> 3-dot-menu -> List options -> Check Top rated

#2: Library -> All Songs -> 3-dot-menu -> List options -> Select by rating in the sort section

Edit: I've reread your request and what you need is more definitive, nonetheless those solutions are still valid for a non-destructive usage

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On 5/31/2020 at 1:47 AM, andrewilley said:

Poweramp is not a file manager app, so moving and copying files and folders is a bit beyond its scope.


At least one file manager operation PA do. It is Delete. It is working with files and folders (!!) (recursively).

Ok. Adding your comment to my request we can turn problem upside down - " In addition to simple Delete we need Delete all excepting high rated"

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